Yeah, . . . I'll admit it. The previous "BeatleWeen" saw 24 downloads in 12 hours, while "Sinister" here got all the way up to 2 in 3 or 4 days !
So I experimented ( fiendishly ) to see if it was maybe the random night I chose to share . . maybe the widdle artwork ?? So delete it's ass and re-upload I did !
So if you began playin' it and thought "what the ? . . . I already HEARD this crap !" . . yeah, maybe you did, rabbit, maybe you did . . . .

Zipful Folder with individual tracks n' stuff:

Bits n' bites about the tracks and such :

"Thrillbusters" -=AtoZ

Thriller vs Ghostbusters

-- Yeah . . it's pretty much a "mission statement".

On one hand, many mashers have done technically impressive work using elements from modern techno and dance-tracks, or used the backing from current pop-charters . . but I don't usually hear much very ominous and seasonally spooky in the offerings of Lady Katy or Miley Bieber !

(( of course, Voicedude really did manage to make "Call Me Maybe" spooky as chilled hell with
his "Nightmare Maybe" in 2012 . . but it's rare when it's scary . . it really is rarey !! ))

Now . . . take that "not really that hair-raising" aspect of "Thriller" & "Ghostbusters", add several points cuz' they're so synonymous with Ween-Times, then subtract all those points ( plus a few more ) cuz they've been pounded into the unearthly earth by mashers using them till the mutant zombie cows come home !
( We're not even mentioning "Monster Mash", that cringe-worthy piece of non-scary overplayed tripe ! )

I was even told, on the weekend of 10/4/14, that the masher-pal at the helm of 'another major comp' this year had stipulated -- "Alright you guys, no "Thriller", "Ghostbusters", or "Monster Mash" . . . and he still got several !!

So yeah . . . we're teasing you with "Thrillbusters" . . even moreso cuz it sounds like it'd actually work a treat . . . but it's a nasty snob-ass trick !

It opens like it's all "ok gang, here we go !" . . . Vincent Price does his maniacal laugh over the intro, so already we be mashin' . . . ( and btw, maniacal laughs & evil mad chuckles ? . . . plus groaning winds
and thunder-claps ? . . . these are even more played-out then the songs maligned above ! ) . .

Then ! -- Michael comes in Thrillering and while you're goin' "yeah !", you should also just be thinking
"oh geez, not these again" . . . which is precisely when we hear "no no-No", and that right there is a sample of Useo doin' his Peter Lorre from our "BeatleWeen" comp of 2012 !
We was both on other people's comps last year, but this is our 1st co-hosted project since then, so it's an extra-spiffy touch to have that thread from that one to this next.

This intro-piece then has Count Floyd admit "alright !, it wasn't scary !!" / and Sting ( who appears a few tracks later ) adds "no way !" . . . with John Cleese from "Holy Grail" insisting on "no more !"
And behind those, the massive sounds of a shut-down is Superman disabling The World Engine from last year's "Man of Steel".

So . . No ! . . just stop it . . it wasn't scary . . no way !

Let's genuinely dig deeper for goose pimplers, shall we ?

"Blood On the Doll" -=AtoZeo *

Anarchy Club vs Tone-Lōc
The Anarchy Club's "Blood Doll" vocal & guitar over Tone-Lōc's "Loc'in On The Shaw"

This, and "Ghost Torso", are both AtoZ / DJ Useo collaborations that surprised and delighted us both, by taking AtoZeo to a real and "next level" stage of true collabbing !
And in both cases the path was pretty much the same :

I had my mad hands full with the bunch I was already workin' on, so I sent Usey 4 or 5 of my intended instrumental tracks I thought he could maybe layer some coolish ghoulish ideas on.

For 2 he sent a demo with his pickings upon !

For "Blood On the Doll" he added 3 tracks of Anarchy Club's vocal / their guitar part / and a track of maniacal snickers and moans called "lunatic laughter".
But all 3 ran pretty packed thru the song start-to-finish . . . so I felt I could strip it down and build it back up . . rearrange and remix, don't cha' know ?
Open it up some more, you see.

I'd sent him the original track as an undecorated Xmas Tree ( for Halloween ?! )
He sent me back boxes of tree-trimmings ( what I'd never heard before )
And I redecorated in ways that best showed the tree and the trimmings upon it.

Yeah, dat's some "Frightmare Before Shitmess" right there, but it's Jack-`o-Ornaments and strings of little
lit-up candy corns on this Grislymas Tree !

"Hellarama" -=AtoZ

Futurama vs No Doubt

Here's what I wrote ( damn it ) last year as two new tracks festered forth in the two weeks before actual October 31st Ween :

"It's not hard at all to conjure the creepy and work on a Weeny-piece anytime of year . . especially August thru September as one readies stuff for an October compilation.
But it's still not quite like getting into the Sinister Season, when the new comps have just been released and the world around you is in that moony-mood !

These two new pieces of Boo were not begun till Oct. 15th, for "Have You Seen My Baby On The Moon ?" . . and Oct. 17th for "Hellarama".
They then came crackling to life rather quickly . . well, quickly for me !
Yet they both seem pretty solid and all fleshed-out.

Apparently, monstrous transformations come most (un)naturally when the scent of ghastly ghouls is in the crisp and chilly air !
. . must'a been all that seasonal inspiration that surrounded me and, like, possessed me, man !"

"To Die Everyday" -=AtoZ 'Inner-Stitch-ill'

The interstitials, woven into the flow of the single-track version, exist to get a few more "cinematic scenes" and "loose moods" into the mix.

This one takes the same scene from "Terminator Salvation" that we heard within the beginning of "Blood On The Doll". ( the moments where John Connor is searching & lighting flares & we first see the experimented upon humans ).

On top of that ambience we hear a cast of characters act out a nefarious & pointless murder :

"I am not dead" -- "R.I.P.D."

"you have to die … everyday" -- "Edge Of Tomorrow"

"we're totally gonna' kill you now !" -- "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey"

"Psycho stab-strings" -- "Hitchcock" ( 2012 )

"we're gonna' DIE !!" -- Sid The Sloth from "Ice Age 2"

"Homer's wake-up scream " -- "If I Only Had a Brain Treehouse of Horror 2"

"I'm going to die" -- crushed Burns -- "If I Only Had a Brain Treehouse of Horror 2"

"he's dead" -- Homer, after Marge hits Flanders in "I Know What You Diddily-Iddily-Did"
from "Treehouse of Horror X"

"look fellas . . . I'm a Ghost !" -- Rudolph from Ren & Stimpy's "Haunted House"

"I'm a ghost now" -- Kelsey Grammer as assassinated Lincoln -- "30 Rock"

"so like . . what did you do ? . . . I died" -- ‪Ron Perlman ‬ & ‪Sigourney Weaver‬ in "Alien Resurrection"

"Kling Klong Alien Days" -=DJ Useo

MGMT vs Julian Haffner vs Marc Twain.

I ain't gonna' provide lot'sa backstory on Useo's tracks . . how could I ?
But I can say this one manages to be romantically wistful while maintaining it's chilling spookiness !
Also ? . . . I seem to hear more then a little George Harrisony tones and changes !

"a Spirit If You Will" -=AtoZ

The Exorcist Fly In The Fog vs Fun Boy Three

Loops & Links from The Fun Boy Three's "Faith, Hope And Charity" from 1982.
With the majority of the samplage coming from 3 major horror films of the 70's and 80's :
"The Exorcist"
"The Fly"
"The Fog"

Overall, this seems to tell tales of "unexpected transformations" . . . or maybe just, "it's her brain" ?

"The Failed Dissipation of Hexxus"
-=AtoZ 'Inner-Stitch-ill'

Taking the scene from "Ferngully" where the freed evil spirit of Hexxus struggles while
shriveling, we overlay :

"Hi !!, I'm scaring you !!" -- Rob Lowe on "Parks and Recreation"

"I'm coming to get you" & "I'm cooommming" -- Robin Williams from the 1st scene in "RV"

"the monster . . . is leaving" -- Nathan Lane in "The Birdcage"

"I failed you . . . both as a scary monster, and a friend" -- Rob Lowe on "Parks and Recreation"

"Mutation Halloween" -=DJ Useo

Industrials vs Matt Minimal

Here's what I have to say about this one.

not afraid of Maleficent -=-=AtoZ 'Inner-Stitch-ill'

Aurora vs Maleficent

Simply an ominous scene from 2014's "Maleficent".
run it wackburds / add reverb and decaying echo / flip it forward / and now we got some pre-verb !

"Have You Seen My Baby On The Moon ?" -=AtoZ

The Police vs Ani Difranco

As described above, this came into being along with "Hellarama" in the 2 weeks before Halloween of

  1. Ani Difranco's song "Going Down" give us our loops n' links.

Outside of samples from The Police's "Walking On The Moon", we also feature :

"have you seen my baby ??" -- from "Halloween Horrors" of 1977

"ooowee eeeooo" -- Robert Klein's "Twilight Zone" bit

"I'm coming to scare you !" -- Ellen Degeneres joshing with Jennifer Aniston

"wolf-howl" -- from John Lennon's "Scared"

"I'm alive"-- Laura Palmer

"I had to cast my head . . . " -- Barnes & Barnes

"what's . . happening . . . . to ME ?!?" -- Ren wearing the happy helmet from "Stimpy's Invention"

. . . and various others.

I've already done the "exhaustively complete" sample-by-sample listing for a couple tracks here that truly seem to warrant it . . .
let's not make this whole thing seem like scary blood-draining homework, shall I ?

"don't make that song a monster"

Not actually a full inner-stitch-ill, simply Jennifer Laurence's line from
"Silver Linings Playbook" given the pre-verb treatment . . but why not list it, ey ?

"Trashing The Monster" -=AtoZ *

The Automatic & Friends vs Snakefinger

Snakefinger's "Trashing All The Loves Of History" from 1980's "Greener Postures"
gives us our loops n' links backing.
Quick bits of The Automatic's "Monster" anchor this large and loathsome cast.

Friends of Trashed Monsters - -- in order of ghastly appearance :

"and now . . . terrifying you" -- "Halloween Horrors" host - 1977

"monster" / "is it a monster ?" / "wow !" -- The Automatic

"zombie" -- Vincent Price

background swelling whooshes -- "Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me"

"Hey, I'm gonna' take a break from bein' scary" -- Master Shake of "Aqua Teens"

"look out, there's a monster coming" -- Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band

"it's a nightmare !!" -- C3PO from "Attack of The Clones"

various screams, moans, water drop and synth squiggle effects -- Apple Loops

"he is alive !" -- Waylon Smithers --"If I Only Had a Brain" "Treehouse of Horror 2"

"more monsters start comin' along" / "let's get every Universal Monster all together right now" /
"how many monsters actually belong in this family ?" / "that's a classic monster"
-- James Rolfe of Cinemassacre Productions

"I am not dead" -- Stanley Nawlicki --- "R.I.P.D."

"Redrum" -- Danny Torrance - - "The Shining"

"you'll have nightmares" -- Marge Simpson -- "Treehouse of Horror 2"

"ascending backwards laugh" -- Killer Bob -- "Twin Peaks"

"ascending unravelling scream" -- DmR of AtoZ - . . cuz I wanted one of a certain length &
emotional unhingement and "Hey !, I'll just do it meself !"

"I'm going to die" / "it's all a dream" / "who is it ??, Frankenstein ? . . . the Boogerman ?!?"
-- Montgomery Burns - "If I Only Had a Brain" "Treehouse of Horror 2"

T.Rex roar ( "Mommy's very angry" ) -- "Jurassic Park : The Lost World"

"are these monsters gonna' Kill me ?!" -- Andy Samberg as Jonathan ( "Johnnystein" ) --"‪Hotel Transylvania‬"

"listory" -- a wacky result of reediting Snakefinger ( aka Philip Charles Lithman ) . . .
the beginning of his singing "look at all the lovers . . . " into a line ending with "history"?
. . . there's yer' listory right there !

"Noo ! . . NooOoooO !!!" -- Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor -
-- sliding crab-walk away from The Terminator coming out of the elevator -- "T2"

"the monster" / "the monsters are all, ya' know, sort'a happy"
-- Chris Howard as Christopher Walken reading "Where The Wild Things Are"

"let's rock !" -- Michael J. Anderson as The Man from Another Place - - "Twin Peaks"

"I'm commmiiinnng" / "I'm coming to get you" -- Robin Williams as Bob Munro -
-------------- opening sock-puppet scene from "RV"

"I tell ya', Halloween scares me . . ghosts I'm fine with . . ghouls and goblins, not so much"
-- Paul Rudd as Joel - - "They Came Together"

Julianne Moore as Dr. Sarah Harding, screaming as she plummets the length of the cliff-hanging trailer and hits the glass -- "Jurassic Park : The Lost World"

Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance leaps out at Scatman Crothers as Dick Hallorann
with an undeserved axe to the chest ! -- "The Shining"

"it is happening again" -- Carel Struycken as The Giant -- "Twin Peaks"

"I'm trying to Scare you !!" -- Kevin James as Frankenstein - "‪Hotel Transylvania‬"

"there's something I don't like about that severed hand" -- Marge, from "Lisa's Nightmare"
("The Monkey's Paw")" -- "Treehouse of Horror 2"

"make sure that no one knows that you're dead. And if anyone asks, you just say that you're not dead"
--- Homer, to dead Ned . . . from "I Know What You Diddily-Iddily-Did" -- "Treehouse of Horror X"

"head-turner scream" -- Ellen Burstyn in "The Exorcist"

"what demon from the depths of hell created thee ?!?" -- Homer, decrying his slightly dry turkey sammich
-- "Lisa's Nightmare" ("The Monkey's Paw")" -- "Treehouse of Horror 2"

"who ate all the ICE CREAM ?!!?" -- Saraca Jessica Parkaca, imitating her mother
to Jerry Seinfeld, on "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee"

(( cuz this is why the monsters are on a ruthless rampage . . . someone ate all the ice cream !!
or ? . . . this is what they did and deprived us all in depraved ways . . . those monsters ! ))

"curse YOoOUuU !!!!" -- Mila Kunis as Theodora in "Oz - The Great and Powerful"

Jupiter and Beyond The Infinite Screaming
-=AtoZ 'Inner-Stitch-ill'

Neil deGrasse Tyson of Cosmos - A Spacetime Odyssey vs 2001 - A Space Odyssey

"Ghost Torso" -=AtoZeo *

This one is everso similar in it's paths to gory as "Blood On the Doll".

I send Useo a track I believe he could find "featured elements" for / he sends it back to me as separate tracks
/ I rearrange & remix & surgically reanimate it as a reborn abomination.

In this case, Usey hadn't fully explored Slash's vocal & guitar track, meaning left / right separation of the
2-channel track allowed me to further control how much guitar was how loud . . . and now I could better
place it in the mix and let Laibach's "Torso" shine thru with all it's foreboding atmosphere !

The feel of this one kept me pretty "slick", and less compelled to finesse lot'sa extra little moments into the arrangement . . but I sure did relocate more then a few repeatable guitar touches !
. . . . and . . . nowhere in Slash's original vocal did he advise one to "kill your soul" !

or ? . . . my favorite new moment that sounds like he recorded the vocal this way ----

"change the past from the future"

Hey ! . . that might actually mean something !

The Timmy Thing -=DJ Useo

Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld ( from "South Park" ) vs The Fuzztones

"Smelly Devil" -=AtoZ

Judas Priest & Richard Burton vs Snakefinger

Yeah ! . . more Snakefinger boy and ghouls !!
And this time with his original musical mentors, The Residents

There's about 8 other Snakey tracks I could've worked with, and 2 are already initially laid-out for next year's spook-fest ! . . . (( plus 2 from The Residents too ))

It's their collaborative cover of The Residents "Smelly Tongues" here that gets the vocal from Judas Priest's
"Devil Child" grafted on. With a drunken, reeling appearance from Richard Burton, in character as the boozy horn-dog author he played in "Candy".

and that rising rushing whoosh that builds up twice is the effect from "X-Men: Days of Future Past" in the instant before the sentinels nearly wipe out our remaining heroes !
(( oh wait ! . . spoiler-alert ! . . every single X-Man is not completely killed to death forever this time ))

Oh yeah, . . . and They Might Be Giants with "Lord, please don't take me away" sneaks in from their
"Rabid Child" as well.

And here's as good a place as any to confess that a group like Judas Priest was always heard by me only blasting from some other mullet-headed Corvette-speeding rabble-rouser . . . . was never my whole scene, man.
But downloading tons of Rock Band isolated mogg files allowed me to grab songs whose very titles suggested possible Weenage !
So I verify my lack ( or abundance ) of cool when I reveal that a handful of the vocals here were only heard fleetingly by me in the original context ( or not yet, even ! )

Like : The Anarchy Club's "Blood Doll" , The Automatic's "Monster", and Slash's "Ghost" . . . but that one I did at least have to finally Google them wacked lyrics !

Why Does a Man Have to Die From Pure Air ?
-=AtoZ 'Inner-Stitch-ill'

David Wayne on The Twilight Zone vs Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me

I was thinking I needed a good spooky-speech from a show like "The Outer Limits" or "The Twilight Zone",
and in looking over an episode list for "TZ", something about the description of "Escape Clause"
resonated with me. A character who goes from living in constant fear of death to one that cannot die seemed ripe, and the fact that I didn't remember ever seeing this one somehow added some edge for me.

The backing is several different effects sections from "Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me" overlapping thru one another, cuz it's scary !

"Motherf@cking Bass Godzilla" -=DJ Useo

DJ Rush vs Popof vs Ajapai

Yeah, on the back-cover . . and the tagged-title for the mp3, I elected to play it coy and safe and cute
with the title spelling.
Not only are there words I find repuggy, but why flaunt a reason to get kicked-off any sites ??

These are both a thing that scares Me !!

"Voodoo Lobotomy " -=DJ Useo

The Ramones "Teenage Lobotomy" vocal vs Perez Prado's "Voodoo Suite"

This one came out short enough that I nearly let Useo have one branded an "Inner-Stitch-ill"

But it wasn't, so it ain't, . . . . cuz I shouldn't, when I don't !!!

"Das Uberdeeben Und Da Sauerbraten
(( Conquering The Inner Hitler ))" -=AtoZ

Yello's "Smile On You" looped & linked, with about "186" screaming maniacs carefully slathered all over it !

This monstrously deranged track has actually been brewing since 2005 !
But work proper atop the edited loops n' links began in March 2013.

I wasn't sure at first if a Weeny-Comp was it's rightful frightful home, but then . . . if some poor soul transforming into a weresy-wolf or a misunderstood mad scientist is a monster, then somebody losing their shit and imposing personal fascism as a demented dictator in yer' face ? . . . . well . . .
I mean, if a pseudo Hitler ain't a monster, then tie me up and feed me peaches !!
( rotten, please . . it's Weentimes )
I have no plans just now to ready a Charles Manson vs Dick Cheney for next year, but hey . . the night is hung.

I also insert here my admission that, while there's other tracks on this comp I'm "prouder" of as achievements and what-knot . .. This is the one I enjoy the most ! (( oh sure . . . . now I scare you ))

This is another one that just seems to want a complete sample-source rundown,
so dig in ---- or scroll down around 2 miles to the next 'big font' indiction of the next track !

Featuring : Mel Blanc as "Hitler"
John Cleese as "Mr. Hilter / Hitler"
and Dana Carvey and Steve Carell as
"Germans Who Say Nice Things !"

exhaustive and complete list of sample-sources :

"Koladi-Ola" - Dieter Meier of Yello -- from the song ""Koladi-Ola" on "Stella" - 1985

"this is a sad occasion for one of you & for me"

  • Mira McKinney as Madame Selena from the "Adventures of Superman" episode "Mystery In Wax" - 1953

"what is this now ?!" - Siegfried Rumann as Herman Gottlieb in The Marx Brothers "A Night At The Opera"

  • 1935

"it's hard to spot trouble ahead" - Kenneth Branagh narrating "Before The Dinosaurs - Walking with Monsters"

  • 2005

"he gave us the signal !" - Pat Hingle as Commissioner Gordon in Tim Burton’s "Batman" - 1989

"wow" - Ellen Muth -- as George Lass in Showtime's series
"Dead Like Me" - 2003

"ho Ho HO" - Dieter Meier of Yello - "Smile On You"

"in a world of comedy, why ?.. why all the pain & misery I say ! "

  • Dave Thomas during SCTV DvD commentaries

(( immediately edited into "why Why ?" ))

"the situation's reaching a crisis point" - Kenneth Branagh narrating
"Before The Dinosaurs - Walking with Monsters"

"stomp-toe holler" - Mel Blanc as Hitler from "Russian Rhapsody" - 1944

"a rival is evolving" - Kenneth Branagh

"oy-a-oy" - Jerry Lewis on Dick Cavett -
(( later added to a Garageband track in "female to male" setting,
which turns it into a big "rusty-slinky" synthy sound !! . . with attitude !))

"more famous monsters" ( into dino-roar ) - Kenneth Branagh

"ready ? . . set . . rock !" - Mike Judge as Hank Hill --
"King of The Hill" episode "You Gotta Believe" - 2006

"Hitler now" - from the brief 10 episode run of the 2006 sitcom "Sons & Daughters"

"C'mon Rise Up Now !" - "Godzilla vs Megalon" - MST airing - 1991

"so I want to be the best Hitler I can BE !" - David Cross in the "Mr. Show" sketch "Hitler Clones"
-- "Life Is Precious and God and The Bible" episode - 1998

"mit liverwurst, hausedfeffer and de chatanooga choo choo ! . . gesundheit !!"

  • Mel Blanc as Hitler from "Russian Rhapsody" - 1944

"gasp ?!" - Mel Blanc as Bugs Bunny" -- "Falling Hare"- 1943

"gerstopndine" - John Cleese as Hitler -- Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"I'm Hitler" - Steve Carell as Michael Scott -- "The Office" - "Pilot" - 2005

"nagal hamburger mit da frankfurter and da sauerbraten !"

  • Mel Blanc as Hitler from "Russian Rhapsody" - 1944

"alice was mit der middlesmitts" - John Cleese as Hitler -- Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"heavy seething inhale" - Mel Blanc as Hitler from "Russian Rhapsody" - 1944

"pumpernickel mit sauerkrauten from da delicatessen !"

  • Mel Blanc as Hitler from "Russian Rhapsody" - 1944

"Das uberdeeben" - John Cleese as Hitler -- Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"That cloud looks like a Pony !!!" - Steve Carell from "Germans Who Say Nice Things"
-- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

"Those big sweaters really hide your Ass !!!" - Dana Carvey from
"Germans Who Say Nice Things That Come Out Wrong" -- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

(( You . . are the world's greatest )) "Grampa !!!" - Steve Carell from "Germans Who Say Nice Things"
-- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

(( and please note ---
anytime during the piece where it seems to be a bellowing of "Santa !!!", it is indeed "Grampa !!!"
except for a bunch of times I used the "Santa !!" from "secret Santa" . . at those times, Santa is Santa !)

"then, everything changed" - Kenneth Branagh narrating "Before The Dinosaurs - Walking with Monsters"

"hey Hey Hey !" -- used here as an overlapping doubling on 2 different tracks,
is a Looney Tunes sample whose source I did not denote, damn it !

"rally-crowd" -- from Python's "Mr. Hilter sketch, when Graham Chapman's character
plays a bicycle mounted phonograph of a cheering crowd.

"Noooooo !" -- unspecified sample from "Invader Zim" - 2001 to 2003

"get over against the wall British a' pig . . you're going to Die !" - John Cleese as Hitler
-- Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"Hey . . thanks Hitler" - "Frisky Dingo" -- undocumented episode near the end of the series run - 2008

"come on in & blow yourself up" - Joe Flaherty during SCTV DvD commentaries on an episode of
"Farm Film Celebrity Blowup"

"No !, do not kill the people . . it would be a very foolish mistake" -- "Gamera vs Zigra" - MST airing - 1991

"shut your cake-hole you Nazi" - John Cleese as Hitler --
Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"get that outta my mi-i-i-i-ind !!" - undocumented character & episode from animated series "Home Movies"

"What's the matter with you ?!!" - John Cleese -- from the 1st episode of the Python doc
"Almost The Truth" - 2009

"Nein ! nein nein … nein"
( Oh ! -- ha Ha . . no, different other chap, no" ) - Graham Chapman's character from "Mr. Hilter"

"we're going to hell" (( 2 versions )) & "cuz we're Jews !" -- Lexi Jourden as Marni Walker --
"Sons & Daughters" pilot - "Anniversary Party" - 2006

"stay there till ya' Die !" & "the person who will die" -
Mira McKinney as Madame Selena from the "Adventures of Superman" episode "Mystery In Wax"

"life everywhere is on the brink"
& "now the predators are homing in" - Kenneth Branagh narrating
"Before The Dinosaurs - Walking with Monsters"

"what the hell does that Mean ?" - Jerry Stiller as Frank Costanza
-- Seinfeld bloopers

"Lois cackle-laugh" - Alex Borstein as Lois Griffin - undocumented "Family Guy" episode

"Mr. Hitler" - Michael Palin's character from "Mr. Hilter"

"Ooooo - (( zap-crackle ! )) " - GIR spazzes out -- "Invader Zim"

"unt bridge butter" - John Cleese as Hitler --
Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"that's who I Am !" -- H. Jon Benjamin as Ben Katz --
"Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist" -- episode "Pretzelkins" - Season 1 Episode 2 - 1995

"Mus gahvahbenzine mit dah sneaky amsten dook"-
John Cleese as Hitler -- Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"Ees storchuff" - John Cleese as Hitler --
Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"up Yours, young people !" - Carol Channing -- from "Family Guy"
"Patriot Games' episode where she beats Mike Tyson in Celebrity Boxing

"eat hot salty loads of lead death you pasty-faced morons !" - Trace Beaulieu as Dr. Clayton Forrestor --
a bumper from the1st Annual "Turkey Day" - November 28-29, 1991

"ha ha ha ha Ha" - Mel Blanc doing a sniggering-giggle as the gremlin -- -- "Falling Hare"- 1943

"you simpering fish-lipped half-wits" -
(( full-line : "Have a big, hearty slice of "Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster", you simpering fish-lipped half-wits" )) -
Trace Beaulieu as Dr. Clayton Forrestor -- a bumper from the
1st Annual "Turkey Day" - November 28-29, 1991

"I . . am not a racialist !" - John Cleese as Hitler --
Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"they fall down, go . . . BOOM !!" - Tweety Pie in "Gruesome Twosome" - 1945

"Tunten eastoff fullme fun minehead" ( into Palin's solo applause ) -
John Cleese as Hitler -- Monty Python sketch "Mr. Hilter" - 1969

"screaming, I'm screaming, I'm screaming, aaah !" - Rainn Wilson as Dwight Schrute
-- "The Office" episode "Baby Shower" - 2008

"No More Killing !!" (( 2 versions )) -
Gene Wilder as Avram Belinski -- "The Frisco Kid" - 1979

"a chortled bellow from "Groundskeeper Willy"
( hard to pin Simpsons episode )

"what am I DOING ?!?" - Mel Blanc as Bugs Bunny
-- "Falling Hare" - 1943

"it's not my Fault" - Ray Romano as Ray Barone
( hard to pin episode )

"never again will a single species do so well" - Kenneth Branagh
narrating "Before The Dinosaurs - Walking with Monsters" - 2005

"drunken substitute cackles" - a recent Simpsons,
and another sample that I didn't fully document the source of, ( and I do document most )
but this isn't clear enough to get a solid Googling with.

"Idol Yodelers" - from a "American Idol" promo for a then upcoming audition show . . .
1st or 2nd season of this show I've never watched a full episode of.

"you're gonna' shoot Guns at me ?" -
Gene Wilder as Avram Belinski -- "The Frisco Kid" - 1979

"Curse YOU-u-u-U-u-u !!!" -- Mila Kunis as Theodora - "Oz The Great and Powerful" - 2013

"I'll smack you" - Joy Behar on "Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist" -
"Theory of Intelligence" episode

"Gee, I'm feelin' bad"
"Gee, I'm feelin' good" - Don Knotts as Barney Fife -- "The Andy Griffith Show"
( hard to pin episode )

"pop-fly / crowd - oh it's gonna' be good" - Will Le Bow as Stanley
on "Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist" - 1st episode

"not every Jew is evil" - Dana Snyder as Shake --
"Aqua Teen Hunger Force" - Episode 87 - "Der Inflatable Führer"

"Surprise !!. . I'm your Secret Santa !!!" - Steve Carell from "Germans Who Say Nice Things"
-- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

"Your Wife is a Wonderful Kisser !!" - Steve Carell
from "Germans Who Say Nice Things That Come Out Wrong" --
"The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

(( we watched a very special episode of "Blossom" and )) . . .
"We Cried !!!" - Dana Carvey & Steve Carell
from "Germans Who Say Nice Things" -- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

"full-cast scream"- Bob's Burgers --
"Bed & Breakfast" episode - 2011

"You're once ... twice .. three times a Laaaady !!"- Steve Carell from "Germans Who Say Nice Things"
-- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

"YOU . . are a very affordable Whore !!!!"- Steve Carell from
"Germans Who Say Nice Things That Come Out Wrong" -- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

(( let's all pile into the mini-van and )) . . .
"Go get some frozen yogurt !!"- Steve Carell from "Germans Who Say Nice Things"
-- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

(( I can tell by your beard that )) . .
"you enjoy SpaghettiOs !! "- Dana Carvey from "Germans Who Say Nice Things That Come Out Wrong"
-- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

♪you'll be older too♪
♪I could stay with you♪
♪will you still need me♪
♪will you still feed me♪
♪when I'm 64♪
♪Vera, Chuck, and Dave♪ -

Paul McCartney & The Beatles - "When I'm 64" --
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" - 1967

"Oh-oOoh baby , what you Do to me ?" - David Cross on Mr. Show
( undetermined episode )

"confuse the hell out of old people . . ." - "Sons & Daughters" pilot - "Anniversary Party" - 2006

"made you laugh . . . but it also made you THINK !!!!" -
Steve Carell from "Germans Who Say Nice Things" -- "The Dana Carvey Show" - 1996

"next time I go tiger huntin', I'm gonna' take my tweezers"

  • Andy Griffith on "The Andy Griffith Show" - "Opie The Birdman" -- Season 4 Episode 1

"I have not gone to Hollywood to fight a man dressed as Hitler"

  • Sacha Baron Cohen from "Borat" - 2006

( and I can't even take off my hat ) "cuz then I'm Hitler" -
Jenna Fischer as Pam on "The Office" - "Employee Transfer" -- Season 5 Episode 6

(( and amazingly ? . . . as I returned to this exhaustive run-down on
sample-sources, I just realized that the last 2 samples both
involve characters as Charlie Chaplin mistaken for Hitler ))

Please understand by-the-way, the majority of samples used, when it's an huge eclectic cast like this ?
---- they were already collected in my vast 13 GB "Sample Batches" folder !
I hears a line, while viewing something, that I think I may use somewhere sometime, and it's snatched and saved.
S'not like I start a manic piece like this and then go hunt down the precise samples I think of . . s'wrong with you ?? . . . I get a feel for the piece from the backing-track as I assemble it, and then go thru "Sample Batches" copying every sample I might maybe use . . . eventually using many, but not all.

k ?

"Ghosts Ghost House" -=DJ Useo *

Front Line Assembly vs Miamisoul & Corner

This is actually the track that kicked-off cross-pollination between this here comp,
and the "Monster Mashup X" that Jeremy Girard be helming this year.

Useo had been sending me cadaverous contenders in bugged-out batches of 4 to 6 at a time.
( and once ? . . . a folder of 826 !! . . heh-heh, nah )

And the horrid hopefuls of his that didn't outright blow poisonous chunks ? . . . . simply sucked !!
What ?!? . . . but no !

I think it was in the very first worst bunch that "Ghosts Ghost House" resided fiendishly.
But little wart-nosed evil Jeremy was also raking in fallen fruits of the season as he canvassed for tracks, and I was too slow to tell Useo that "Ghosts House" was in on our comp !
Jeremy liked it, damn it !

But we soon agreed there was nuthin' wrong with some cross promotional pollination and a corrupt cloning policy to waste everyone's time !!!

Please enjoy our mutually lazy stupidity !

"The Long Fall to Hell" -=AtoZ 'Inner-Stitch-ill'

Bill & Ted vs Death & Hell

All elements within this'un from "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey"

"Bad Sign (( Warning Rising ))" -=AtoZeo

This one stumbled it's way down a unique path, and is actually kind'a really a bit AtoZeo . . .
but with a tiny, tiny "eo" . . . just to be cute about it.

Months ago, Useo spontaneously sent me an instrumental reworking edit of the Talking Heads track "Thank You For Sending Me an Angel" as a backing track I might like to build upon.

I told him . . . "why are you still trying to reach me ?!!"

But after he'd won my heart anew with his impish magics, I tolds him, I did, that the track from the "More Songs About Buildings and Food" album that I thought really had potential as a foundation of inspiration was "Warning Sign" . . .

So that he did stuff to. . . too

This I took and reworked his basic a fair amount, then took it to AtoZburg where everything else was my idea and hard-ass work and screw his impish magic ass anyway . . he'll never read down these notes this far !!

Ha ! . . like anyone has !!

So, for all a' you who aren't reading any a' this :

Talking Heads backing

  • Creedence vocal bits from "Bad Moon Rising"
  • tons of samples from all 16 "Lord of The Hobbits" films
    = this crap !!

what else we got ?

Well, I will add the note that the John Fogerty vocals are a good example of working within sonic context and not strictly "snapped better to the beats". Meaning, they could've been sped-up and regimented into perfect timing, but that didn't fit the feel here. I think they work just fine anywhoo.

. . . picture him as, like, a southern baptist minister who's driven a few stakes into undead hearts, or sum shit . . .. . .
He's at his pulpit, warning us all about "earthquakes and lightning", and how he see's "trouble on the rise".

Typical !

"Devil's Dandruff Dust Storm" -=AtoZeo

Late in the assembly of this comp, days before October was upon us, Useo comes up with a winning winner in 2 important regards :

it's quick to present itself as a different sort of collaborative vessel for AtoZeo . . . .

. . . . and it's the perfect capper-track to close the comp !

The previous AtoZeos here are masher-sandwiches ----:

I send Usey a track I think he could build on and surprise me //
He sends me demos with his ideas rather fully fleshed //
I am excited enough to envision further production, arranging and mixing.
Me to Him to Me . . . ( uhm, . . . to You ! )

This time Useo sent me a few more submissions, in his third batchy folder during the month or so,
and "Devil's Dandruff Dust Storm" arrived complete and ready.

He'd taken Robin William's "Devil's Dandruff" bit from 1983's "Throbbing Python of Love", and found the perfect instrumental with Popof's "Dust Storm" to underscore Robin's portrayal of cocaine's festering effects and messed-up mania ! It simmers . . . it builds !

I "simply" wanted to embellish the shaky & sweaty demonic picture Robin painted, and for this piece there was no rearranging or remixing of what Useo had put together . . . but plenty of "adding the inner voices and unhinged urges", plus ? . . . the devil's dandruff might be that much more Weenful if the devil actually plays his part here his own satany self !!

Useo has heard the piece in progress I've been working on since mid-August . . begun a week after Robin left this mortal coil. --- [ "Everybody Gets Pudding !! (( I Eat Wood . . How About You ? ))" . . projected spring release ]

The samples I collected in a Robin-folder number 418 at this point, so this was also an ideal place to use some that hadn't yet fit that tribute piece.
Those . . and every other voicing in "Devil's Dust" here are all Robin !

As far as this being the "perfect closing track" :

After a comp filled with beasties and monsties --- allegedly "fictional" creatures of our nightmares and frightening fables --- we arrive at the end of a haunted night into a real-life fever dream of a personal monster consuming a tortured soul.

Or more simply ? . . . a living & possible possession that might could actually get you !!

Now that's scary, kids !

(( * also featured on 2014's "Monster Mashup X" compilation ))

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    • Release Date: 2015-10-05
    • © No rights reserved
    • Goshen, NY 10924, United States
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