Lady P Beats

Hi all, I'™m Lady P Beats. I Ha™ve had an interest in music since the mid 80s and really got into collecting vinyl towards the end of the decade ('87). I've always been a lover of underground music, and listening to pirate radio stations, e.g. Kiss FM, Lazer 558, Horizon FM & Sub Zero. I would be the one up late at night recording the latest releases on a tape recorder, trying to record shows without the talking. I used to get some of my vinyl from Body Music in North London, Silver Back Records, West London and Reckless Records in Soho to name a few.
Since then I have played on a few other radio stations, but nothing as regular. I've also started organizing my own events - "œInfected events," which is Progressive house and Hard Trance and "Infected Jungle," which is... Jungle!! Hard work but worth it.
one Love ♥

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Hi all, I'™m Lady P Beats. I Ha™ve had an interest in music since the mid 80s and really got into collecting vinyl towards the end of the decade ('87). I've always been a lover of underground music, and listening to pirate radio stations, e.g. Kiss FM, Lazer 558, Horizon FM & Sub Zero. I would be the one up late at night recording the latest releases on a tape recorder, trying to record shows without the talking. I used to get some of my vinyl from Body Music in North London, Silver Back Records, West London and Reckless Records in Soho to name a few.
Since then I have played on a few other radio stations, but nothing as regular. I've also started organizing my own events - "œInfected events," which is Progressive house and Hard Trance and "Infected Jungle," which is... Jungle!! Hard work but worth it.
one Love ♥

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Member since: 8 years



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