
1) Marcelo Lasta (Argentina) "Colaptes" Melanochlorospajaro-carpintero-real-preludio-para-piano-de-lasta
2) Guillermo Bernal (Argentina) "Three Dialogues"
3) Carlos Derisio (Argentina)
4) Carlos Mastrangelo (Argentina) "Hail on Antenna"
5) Andrés Spiller (Argentina)
6) Giuseppe Gammino (Italian) Performed by Dong Zhou
"Abbiamo proseguito imperterriti, thinking di rimanere semper sani in a malate world ... Pope Francesco"
7) Cecilia Gros (Argentina) "Micropieza"
8) Alejandro Pinnejas (Uruguay)
9) Roch Lemerle (France) "Voice records that record travel records. They are very good in relation to human activities!
10) Diego Macías Steiner ( Argentina) “Improvisation 2 for piano and audio” 11) Mario Ledesma Sotto (Argentina) "Made with audios of sound banks of human activities, machines and extended techniques of instruments, I looked for the same weight of The sounds corresponds to others.
12) Roberto Barboza (La Paz- Bolivia) "Caurentencias" deals with the current quarantine situation and the measures of repression / restriction that they have ”
13) Miguel e Iris Rausch (Argentina)“ Johan Sebastián Rausch ”
14) Carlos Martins (Argentina)
15 ) Richard Fox (USA) The sound file is part of a longer piece I'm working on as a tribute to the late Chicago artist, Bill Talsma. A group sample of the artists' responses to their work is scheduled for fall 2020 in Chicago. The piece is titled "What is it to begin?"
16) Guna Moran (Assam India) "Rock" "The Time Written History of You" Guna Moran is a poet and asthmatic critic. His poems are published in various international magazines, newspapers, web magazines and anthologies. Lives in Assam, India.
17) Jesús Bertoli (Argentina) "Viacruxis" 2001 work, processed with an Ensonic EPS16 sample and a PC.
18) Claudio Barros (Argentina) "Madness"
19) Germán Navarro, (Granada Spain) "Four walls" It is about the reaction that a person may suffer because of this stage of confinement that we have had to live through.
20) Bracha Bdil (Jerusalem Israel) "UrbaNature" Caught in the traffic jam, movement of many people, automatons, But in these cars there are souls, hard-working and sensitive, really? How did the automaton cover the soul? How did I overcome the achievement of breathing? He measured competition and bravado throughout the day. When will we launch the cover? Then we will find movement, The Soul. "The Inner Soul" - Song Cycle for Soprano and Piano -
21) Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece) "Mnemonic Generator" In Mnemonic Generator, the soundscape develops slowly from the tribal human scale rite into a super industrial scale rave Heavy Reality is amplified and the sound of concrete music is transformed into an abstract sound object. Complex rhythms introduce archaic soundscapes with powerful gestures. Ecological patterns determine the compositional structure and become resources for further development.
22) Luis Mihovilcevic (Argentina) “Afrodada” 2014 Afro Dada. Composer Luis Mihovilcevic. Voices of the interpreters: Ariadna Duarte Mell, Luis Mihovilcevic, Nahuel Castelao. Words: The afro is a reference to liberation. The Dada is. Let it serve to reflect that pests do not come from Africa.
23) Pérez Velázquez Sergio Aarón (Puebla, Puebla, Mexico) "Small anger, great misfortune" It relates the brief moment of anger and common misfortune in an average Mexican. Composed in 2019.
24) Alejandro Martín Ruscio (Argentina) "After a reading from Nothomb ”
25) Sergey Yevsyunin (Ukraine)“ The City and the Stars ”The audio track was created to represent the human lash to reach the stars / space.
26) Daniel Arana (Argentina) “A Burned Dream”
27) Horacio Tío Trío (Argentina) “Comunicación 5 - Fragmento” Luis Mihovilcevic (Piano and Melodica) Carlos Derisio (Drums) Sebastián Pafundo (Bass and Harmonica)
28) Sebastián Pafundo ( Argentina) "Idea and Audio Ensemble" Material contributed: "Vaticiniis" "The Creation" Processed material, concrete material, etc.

Idea and ensemble Sebastian Pafundo
Each participant retains their intellectual property rights for their sound works.


1) Marcelo Lasta (Argentina) "Colaptes" Melanochlorospajaro-carpintero-real-preludio-para-piano-de-lasta
2) Guillermo Bernal (Argentina) "Three Dialogues"
3) Carlos Derisio (Argentina)
4) Carlos Mastrangelo (Argentina) "Hail on Antenna"
5) Andrés Spiller (Argentina)
6) Giuseppe Gammino (Italian) The piece is performed by Dong Zhou About my audio: "Abbiamo proseguito imperterriti, thinking di rimanere semper sani in a malate world ... Pope Francesco"
7) Cecilia Gros (Argentina) "Micropieza"
8) Alejandro Pinnejas (Uruguay)
9) Roch Lemerle (France) "Voice records that record travel records. They are very good in relation to human activities!
10) Diego Macías Steiner ( Argentina) “Improvisation 2 for piano and audio” 11) Mario Ledesma Sotto (Argentina) "Made with audios of sound banks of human activities, machines and extended techniques of instruments, I looked for the same weight of The sounds corresponds to others.
12) Roberto Barboza (La Paz- Bolivia) "Caurentencias" deals with the current quarantine situation and the measures of repression / restriction that they have ”
13) Miguel Rausch (Argentina)“ Johan Sebastián Rausch ”
14) Carlos Martins (Argentina)
15 ) Richard Fox (USA) The sound file is part of a longer piece I'm working on as a tribute to the late Chicago artist, Bill Talsma. A group sample of the artists' responses to their work is scheduled for fall 2020 in Chicago. The piece is titled "What is it to begin?"
16) Guna Moran (Assam India) "Rock" "The Time Written History of You" Guna Moran is a poet and asthmatic critic. Her poems are published in various international magazines, newspapers, web magazines and anthologies. Lives in Assam, India.
17) Jesús Bertoli (Argentina) "Viacruxis" 2001 work, processed with an Ensonic EPS16 sample and a PC.
18) Claudio Barros (Argentina) "Madness"
19) Germán Navarro, (Granada Spain) "Four walls" It is about the reaction that a person may suffer because of this stage of confinement that we have had to live through.
20) Bracha Bdil (Jerusalem Israel) "UrbaNature" Caught in the traffic jam, movement of many people, automatons, But in these cars there are souls, hard-working and sensitive, really? How did the automaton cover the soul? How did I overcome the achievement of breathing? He measured competition and bravado throughout the day. When will we launch the cover? Then we will find movement, The Soul. "The Inner Soul" - Song Cycle for Soprano and Piano -
21) Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece) "Mnemonic Generator" In Mnemonic Generator, the soundscape develops slowly from the tribal human scale rite into a super industrial scale rave Heavy Reality is amplified and the sound of concrete music is transformed into an abstract sound object. Complex rhythms introduce archaic soundscapes with powerful gestures. Ecological patterns determine the compositional structure and become resources for further development.
22) Luis Mihovilcevic (Argentina) “Afrodada” 2014 Afro Dada. Composer Luis Mihovilcevic. Voices of the interpreters: Ariadna Duarte Mell, Luis Mihovilcevic, Nahuel Castelao. Words: The afro is a reference to liberation. The Dada is. Let it serve to reflect that pests do not come from Africa.
23) Pérez Velázquez Sergio Aarón (Puebla, Puebla, Mexico) "Small anger, great misfortune" It relates the brief moment of anger and common misfortune in an average Mexican. Composed in 2019.
24) Alejandro Martín Ruscio (Argentina) "After a reading from Nothomb ”
25) Sergey Yevsyunin (Ukraine)“ The City and the Stars ”The audio track was created to represent the human lash to reach the stars / space.
26) Daniel Arana (Argentina) “A Burned Dream”
27) Horacio Tío Trío (Argentina) “Comunicación 5 - Fragmento” Luis Mihovilcevic (Piano and Melodica) Carlos Derisio (Drums) Sebastián Pafundo (Bass and Harmonica)
28) Sebastián Pafundo ( Argentina) "Idea and Audio Ensemble" Material contributed: "Vaticiniis" "The Creation" Processed material, concrete material, etc.

Idea and ensemble Sebastian Pafundo
Each participant retains their intellectual property rights for their sound works.


1) Marcelo Lasta (Argentina) “Colaptes“ Melanochlorospajaro-carpintero-real-preludio-para- piano-de-lasta
2) Guillermo Bernal (Argentina) “Tres Diálogos”
3) Carlos Derisio (Argentina)
4) Carlos Mastrangelo (Argentina) "Granizo sobre Antena"
5) Andrés Spiller (Argentina)
6) Giuseppe Gammino (italiano) La pieza es interpretada por Dong Zhou Sobre mi audio: "Abbiamo proseguito imperterriti, pensando di rimanere sempre sani en un mondo malato ... Papa Francesco"
7) Cecilia Gros (Argentina) "Micropieza"
8) Alejandro Pinnejas (Uruguay)
9) Roch Lemerle (Francia) "Registros vocales que registran registros de viajes. ¡Son muy buenos en relación con las actividades humanas!
10) Diego Macías Steiner ( Argentina) “Improvisación 2 para piano y audio” 11) Mario Ledesma Sotto (Argentina) "Hecho con audios de bancos de sonido de actividades humanas, máquinas y técnicas extendidas de instrumentos, busqué el mismo peso de Los sonidos se corresponde con otros.
12) Roberto Barboza (La Paz- Bolivia) "Caurentencias" trata de la situación actual de cuarentena y las medidas de represión / restricción que disponen"
13) Miguel Rausch (Argentina)“ Johan Sebastián Rausch ”
14) Carlos Martins (Argentina)
15 ) Richard Fox (EE. UU.) El archivo de sonido es parte de una pieza más larga en la que estoy trabajando como tributo al fallecido artista de Chicago, Bill Talsma. Una muestra grupal de las respuestas de los artistas en su trabajo está programada para el otoño de 2020 en Chicago.La pieza se titula "Qué es comenzar"
16) Guna Moran (Assam India) "Rock" "El tiempo escrito Historia sobre ti" Guna Moran es un poeta y crítico asmático. Sus poemas se publican en varias revistas internacionales, diarios, revistas web y antologías. Vive en Assam, India.
17) Jesús Bertoli (Argentina) "Viacruxis" trabajo de 2001, procesado con una muestra Ensonic EPS16 y una PC.
18) Claudio Barros (Argentina) "Locura"
19) Germán Navarro, (Granada España) "Cuatro paredes" Versa sobre la reacción que puede sufrir una persona a causa de esta etapa de confinamiento que nos ha tocado vivir.
20) Bracha Bdil (Jerusalén Israel) "UrbaNature" Atrapado en el embotellamiento, movimiento de muchas personas, autómatas,Pero en estos carros hay almas, trabajadoras y sensibles, ¿de verdad? ¿Cómo cubría el alma el autómata? ¿Cómo superaba el logro de la respiración? Medía la competencia y la bravuconería durante todo el día. ¿Cuándo lanzaremos la portada? Entonces encontraremos movimiento, El Alma. "The Inner Soul" - Ciclo de canciones para soprano y piano -
21) Panayiotis Kokoras (Grecia) "Generador mnemónico" En Mnemonic Generator, el paisaje sonoro se desarrolla lentamente a partir del rito a escala humana tribal en un delirio de escala industrial súper Pesado La realidad se amplifica y el sonido música concreta se Transforma en un Objeto sonoro abstracto. Los ritmos complejos introducen paisajes sonoros arcaicos con gestos poderosos.Los patrones ecológicos determinan la estructura compositiva y se convierten en recursos para un mayor desarrollo.
22) Luis Mihovilcevic (Argentina) “Afrodada” 2014 Afro Dada. Compositor Luis Mihovilcevic. Voces de los intérpretes: Ariadna Duarte Mell, Luis Mihovilcevic, Nahuel Castelao. Palabras: El afro es referencia de liberación. El Dada lo és. Que sirva para reflexionar que las pestes no vienen de África. 23) Pérez Velázquez Sergio Aarón (Puebla, Puebla, México) "Pequeño enojo, gran desgracia" Relata el breve instante de enojo y desgracia común en un mexicano promedio.Compuesta en 2019.
24) Alejandro Martín Ruscio (Argentina) “Tras una lectura de Nothomb”
25) Sergey Yevsyunin (Ucrania) “La ciudad y las estrellas” La pista de audio fue creada para representar el latigazo humano para alcanzar las estrellas / espacio .
26) Daniel Arana (Argentina) “Un sueño quemado”
27) Horacio Tío Trío (Argentina) “Comunicación 5 - Fragmento” Luis Mihovilcevic (Piano y Melódica) Carlos Derisio (Batería) Sebastián Pafundo (Bajo y Armónica)
28) Sebastián Pafundo ( Argentina) “Idea y ensamble de Audios” Material aportado: “Vaticiniis” ”La Creación” Material procesado, material concreto, etc.

Idea y ensamble Sebastian Pafundo

Cada participante conserva sus derechos de propiedad intelectual de sus trabajos sonoros.

Idea and ensemble Sebastian Pafundo

Each participant retains their intellectual property rights for their sound works.

    • Type: Original
    • 95 bpm
    • Key: Am
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