About this song:
OK to start off with yes, I am bizarre. It takes a fool to combine statistics and music. However, I am both a reasonably good statistician and a musician.
This song follows (to some extent) the characteristics of the standard normal distribution.

The structure is 2 beats in a measure of C (2 beats)
Followed by two measures of 3 beats in E Minor (6 beats)
Followed by 6 measures of 4 beats in G (24 beats)
Followed by two measures of 3 beats in E Minor (6 beats)
Followed by 1 measure of 2 beats in C (2 beats)

This pattern is repeated 10 times
Where the ¾ and 2/4 measures meets I call the chorus
Where there are 6 measures of 4 beats I call verses

A comparison of the beats in this song to the standard normal distribution is:
+/-3 sd (99.7%) leaving 5% = 4 beats (10% of beats)
+/- 2 sd (95%) leaving 27% = 12 beats (30% of beats)
+/- 1 sd (68%) = 24 beats (60% of beats)

In addition there is an intro and outro that are not included in this calculation.

Standard Normal Distribution

Chorus 1:
The Gauss Distribution
With a mean of 0

Verse 1:
There are so many example of things that
Distribute themselves (normally)

Chorus 2:
Height of a population
Weight of a population

Verse 2:
It is related to everything
All things spread

Chorus 3:
Standard Deviation of 1

Verse 3:
Roll the dice what do you get
A standard normal distribution

Chorus 4:
Things take this shape
Called the bell curve

Verse 5:
It starts with the normal curve
Then it expands from there

Chorus 5:
Is anything really normal?

Verse 6:

Chorus 5:
Tales of central tendency

Verse 6:
You have mean, median, and mode

Chorus 6:
There is bimodal, trimodal, and more

Verse 7:
There are skewed distributions
Leaning to one side

Chorus 7:
Income is a skewed distributions

Verse 8:
There are leptokurtic and platykurtic
Very tall or short (and fat distributions)

Chorus 8:
The weird is normally distributed

Verse 9:
Galileo noticed the errors in astronomical calculations

Normal distributions are not normal at all

Unused Lyrics:
Small errors were much more common than large errors
Chorus 9:
Binomial and poison
There is the range and kurtosis
Verse 10:
People think of high or low, big and small, long and short
but most fall somewhere in the middle
Or are they?


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    Other, Statistics, Oddities, Unusual, ProgRock, progressive, jazz, Progressive Rock, Pop Progressive
    • Type: Original
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