Petra Roosen

Aachen, Deutschland

If you look for a flawlessly playing music professional: Look somewhere else! :-)

I'm just a hobby EWI player who explores her electronic instrument by and by, and will release some home-brewn multi-tracks eventually. I do this for fun, not for money.

Equipment: EWI-USB, DynaSample XPression, Samson Expedition Express (even though most of published soundtracks will be sampled directly by line-in)

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If you look for a flawlessly playing music professional: Look somewhere else! :-)

I'm just a hobby EWI player who explores her electronic instrument by and by, and will release some home-brewn multi-tracks eventually. I do this for fun, not for money.

Equipment: EWI-USB, DynaSample XPression, Samson Expedition Express (even though most of published soundtracks will be sampled directly by line-in)

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Member since: 5 years