And something of a video too -

It's my best big damn hit ! . . well, it ought'a be.
One of those gifts that came to me in the first moments of still-dreamy awakening.
Seemingly separate ingredients my mind mixed together, and as I woke it was like "ding ! . . your cake is baked and ready for audio-icing !"

I had tracked-down Chronic Crew's "Riviera Touch" after hearing it used early in the Bill Maher episode of Seinfeld's "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee".
That's actually built on the chimey, vibey Optigan sample I'd already known and loved from earlier uses.
(( such as the "Beers and Weirs" episode of "Freaks and Geeks" ))

The freshly conscious revelation to use The Grateful Dead & The Allman Brothers isolated vocals was one a' those were you soon realize stuff like "Oh yeah ! . . and they both rattle off a bunch of city names too ! The Dead are truckin' all over, while The Allmans are merely ramblin' about, yet covering ground too !

This quickly became one a' them projects that pulsed with joy and load'sa snappy n' happy. I can't really recall the last time I assembled so much and got so near finished in just the first days work. A giggling giddy example of a piece I kept playing just once more - - - 20 times in a row !!

DJ Konrad Useo and I are a little different in our shared "recognize by ear" approach to "what's gonna' work with what", but he's certainly more versed in the technical app aspects of beat-matching and pitch-shifting, so I sent him both vocal files and panted urgently for a turnaround so soon ? . . and it seemed like about 20 minutes later he'd sent them back, beat-matched and with advise on which vocals needed a go a semitone up or down.
Then I went to town . . several towns apparently !

And the couple of instances where a pitchy line could make ya' tilt yer' head like a puppy ? Here they work & fit the feel, man.

The 28-second intro segment is basically saying "here comes another mash, and it's such a fun one !"

Squeaking for me, we have:
"here we go again" -- Rick Overton, introing an episode of his "Overview" podcast
"people taking what you made and making something new out of it" -- Chris Pratt as Emmet from "The Lego Movie"
"flying cackle-laugh" -- Robin Williams as The King Of The Moon from "Munchausen"
"look at how much fun I'm having do it right now for You !" -- Pete Holmes "Silly Jokes" monologue

Once The Dead and The Allmans take the stage, we still have Cowboy Curtis' "Oooooooo-Whee !!" and 2 different blooper-laffs from Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope as emotional accents. While Pete Holmes returns at 3:10 real quick to debut his "Poo-laugh", from the Jenny Slate episode of "You Made It Weird".

and at 3:32 ? . . Bobby McFerrin for Ocean Spray Cranberry sez "Ah !" for you . . . .
My closing remark here is "enough with the reading the me ! --- take another nip off the bowl and play it 3 more times, without the video !!"
(( while, if you paid attention to the vid, you noticed 4 or 5 moments I must've added to the audio after recording it's playback in Garageband. Heard while not seen ? . . . at'sa nice ))p off the bowl and play it 3 more times, without the video !!"
(( while, if you paid attention to the vid, you noticed 4 or 5 moments I must've added to the audio after recording it's playback in Garageband.
Heard while not seen ? . . . at'sa nice ))

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