Michael Carlson

Boston, United States of America

2011 marked the 20th anniversary of the first after hours party Gene Doherty and I had on West Springfield Street. Making the music for those parties was how I learned to mix records. Starting in 2011, I began rescuing all that old music from the VHS tapes they were originally recorded on and archiving them to my computer, and I thought maybe other people would get a kick out of hearing them again as well.

Since then, I've added more parties I played along the way, and hopefully I'll get my whole catalogue up here eventually.

I'll try to mix it up with some recent music too, for those of you who never went to those parties 20 years ago.

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2011 marked the 20th anniversary of the first after hours party Gene Doherty and I had on West Springfield Street. Making the music for those parties was how I learned to mix records. Starting in 2011, I began rescuing all that old music from the VHS tapes they were originally recorded on and archiving them to my computer, and I thought maybe other people would get a kick out of hearing them again as well.

Since then, I've added more parties I played along the way, and hopefully I'll get my whole catalogue up here eventually.

I'll try to mix it up with some recent music too, for those of you who never went to those parties 20 years ago.

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