Guitar-Jam.Ru Online Jams


We are a small, russian-speaking jamming community that was originally started on once somewhat popular russian guitar forum, but has since grew in parallel to it. Jams are organized and recorded weekly. All russian speakers are welcome to join.

Usually it's two or three people, sometimes (rarely) up to five or six. We're all guitarists, and our jams have historically been all blues-rock-metal type thing, but over time we've also branched out to playing electronic music (or what electronic music looks like in an imagination of a rock guitarist).

Jams are organized, recorded and mixed by Burillo, and we also have Telegram/Slack chat rooms, private NINJAM servers, and we're slowly working towards having an automated jamming platform and a website.

All our tracks are recordings of online jams. They're lightly edited and lightly mixed to fix glaring issues, but the tracks are otherwise left untouched, from start to finish. Sometimes we play over backing tracks, but a lot of times we're creating everything from scratch as we go.

We support creators and buy all backing tracks we use. You should too.

Our apologies to authors of the backing tracks - while we do endeavor to link to backing tracks whenever we use them, the jam archive predates us having online presence, so a lot of tracks were recorded so long ago that we can't possibly remember the backing tracks we were using (it's easy enough to remember backing track author, a specific track name is harder...).

If you are the author of backing track (or know the name of the track) used in any recording and would like us to link to it directly, please contact us, and we'll update the description accordingly. Also, if you would rather any track be taken down, we'll gladly oblige.

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We are a small, russian-speaking jamming community that was originally started on once somewhat popular russian guitar forum, but has since grew in parallel to it. Jams are organized and recorded weekly. All russian speakers are welcome to join.

Usually it's two or three people, sometimes (rarely) up to five or six. We're all guitarists, and our jams have historically been all blues-rock-metal type thing, but over time we've also branched out to playing electronic music (or what electronic music looks like in an imagination of a rock guitarist).

Jams are organized, recorded and mixed by Burillo, and we also have Telegram/Slack chat rooms, private NINJAM servers, and we're slowly working towards having an automated jamming platform and a website.

All our tracks are recordings of online jams. They're lightly edited and lightly mixed to fix glaring issues, but the tracks are otherwise left untouched, from start to finish. Sometimes we play over backing tracks, but a lot of times we're creating everything from scratch as we go.

We support creators and buy all backing tracks we use. You should too.

Our apologies to authors of the backing tracks - while we do endeavor to link to backing tracks whenever we use them, the jam archive predates us having online presence, so a lot of tracks were recorded so long ago that we can't possibly remember the backing tracks we were using (it's easy enough to remember backing track author, a specific track name is harder...).

If you are the author of backing track (or know the name of the track) used in any recording and would like us to link to it directly, please contact us, and we'll update the description accordingly. Also, if you would rather any track be taken down, we'll gladly oblige.

Member since: 5 years



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