• Fonosynteza
    Fonosynteza #10 - 27.07.2023 (Antenna Non Grata Special)

    Fonosynteza #10 - 27.07.2023 (Antenna Non Grata Special) by Fonosynteza
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Zapis audycji Fonosynteza z dnia 27.07.2023 w Radiu Praga.
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00:00:00 | Fonosynteza
00:00:24 | Ekotonika – Expedition in the rain (Rain, Storm and Dreams)
00:12:11 | Ekotonika – In the current of the mighty river (Rain, Storm and Dreams)
00:22:41 | Forbidden Colour – Ritournelle (Lingua del Si)
00:36:14 | Michael Esposito & Joe Brock & Aristotle Galanos – The Woodmar Spookies (EVP. Sounds in the Distance)
00:43:13 | Nis – Sol 10 (Sol)
00:50:45 | Chore IA – Sysyphus 23 (Sysyphus)
01:14:02 | Chore IA – Sysyphus 6 (Sysyphus)
01:21:49 | Coagulant – Nautical (Map of the Dusk Until Its Replacement)

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