Deejay Roudge

Dj Roudge is Capital FM 98.4 Mixmaster and the Smirnoff Battle of the Beats Sn01 Winner.
He is part The Hype & Bounce Shows which airs from 7pm to 10pm,
Mondays to Fridays
He is also the current battle of the beats champion which is the highest elite Dj competition in Kenya.
Most sought after concert Dj.
Welcome To The #Donnishtapes
A journey to my world.
Party Don

All Socials Deejay Roudge

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Dj Roudge is Capital FM 98.4 Mixmaster and the Smirnoff Battle of the Beats Sn01 Winner.
He is part The Hype & Bounce Shows which airs from 7pm to 10pm,
Mondays to Fridays
He is also the current battle of the beats champion which is the highest elite Dj competition in Kenya.
Most sought after concert Dj.
Welcome To The #Donnishtapes
A journey to my world.
Party Don

All Socials Deejay Roudge

Member since: 2 years

Facebook X / Twitter mixcloud.c...m/djroudge