SENZOR AM 676: TOP20’23 #10-01

  1. wh^rl - wh^rl - 6. Evil Tangerine - (Tiny Room) - 0:00
  2. wh^rl - wh^rl - 14. Laughter On Parade - (Tiny Room) - 3:38

  3. Clara Engel - Sanguinaria - 5. I Died Again - (Elephant Shrew Editions) - 11:20
  4. Clara Engel - Sanguinaria - 9. Bridge Behind the Sun - (Elephant Shrew Editions) - 16:43

  5. ZOJ - FIL O FENJOON - 2. Hangman - (Parenthèses) - 22:11
  6. ZOJ - FIL O FENJOON - 7. Winter For Ghazal - (Parenthèses) - 27:40

  7. Juni Habel - Carvings - 1. Rhythm of the Tides - (Basin Rock) - 34:00
  8. Juni Habel - Carvings - 2. I Went Out and Sought for Your Name - (Basin Rock) - 39:59

  9. Yellow6 - Civil Twilight - 4. M - (Sound In Silence) - 44:12
  10. Yellow6 - Civil Twilight - 7. Washed Away Every Trace - (Sound In Silence) - 54:46

  11. Ogives - La Mémoire Des Orages - 1. Patience I-II - (Sub Rosa) - 1:02:10
  12. Ogives - La Mémoire Des Orages - 6. Mighty Pumpkin (reprise) - (Sub Rosa) - 1:13:56

  13. ØXN - Cyrm - 2. The Trees They Do Grow High - (Claddagh) - 1:18:20
  14. ØXN - Cyrm - 3. Love Henry - (Claddagh) - 1:26:07

  15. BlauBird - Le ciel est partout - 5. No me quites - (Elles Et O) - 1:31:34
  16. BlauBird - Le ciel est partout - 6. Fairuz - (Elles Et O) - 1:34:15
  17. BlauBird - Le ciel est partout - 11. Melancholy - (Elles Et O) - 1:37:57

  18. Kalle - Under The Black Moss - 2. Breathe On - (Day After) - 1:42:27
  19. Kalle - Under The Black Moss - 4. Home - (Day After) - 1:46:52
  20. Kalle - Under The Black Moss - 6. Goddess - (Day After) - 1:51:40

  21. Glauque - Les Gens Passent, Le Temps Reste - 2. Plan Large - (Écluse/ Auguri Labels) - 1:56:49
  22. Glauque - Les Gens Passent, Le Temps Reste - 6. Noir - (Écluse/ Auguri Labels) - 2:00:32
  23. Glauque - Les Gens Passent, Le Temps Reste - 9. On Oublie Et On Recommence -
    (Écluse/ Auguri Labels) - 2:04:32
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    • 87.5 bpm
    • Key: Gm
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