Where this song comes from.

This song has no genre or it might I'm just not sure what it is. It comes from
memorys as a child and growing up. No live animals was used in making this song.

My GF says is like being in a horror show lol I say it's reflections of my life.
My song comes from a long time ago see I was born in 81 a time of listning to music
was etheer done live by someone playing it casset tapes, vynal records, or the radio
witch by that time some was playing records but most was moved to crates but thos
crates was copys of vynal. So for the most part vynal was most of the sounds you heard.

My youngest remembernce of music was my dad playing his guitar (House of the Rising Sun)
or this one vynal record. It had a man in a white suite and a white tiger how many people
already know the albume? It was Michale Jaksons Thriller I remember always going into the
room pulling the record from the sleave and playing it and as time went on and the heat
from the seasons changed so did the sound of that record. It began to bend and twist as the
groves got deeper and the record warped from the heat and me pulling it from the sleaves.
that is the sounds I remember the sound of this song.

All sounds are almost muffed kinda like my life its there you live it every day but
its still not clear of what will happen next.There are other sounds of my memorys i this
song sounds of sea gulls flying accross the beach as I play with my mom someone that I wish
was hear to hear this just one time. Sounds of alagators in Seminole Lake at nigth a place
I lived as a kid hearing thos sounds at night was sceary knowing they was there but not
knowing where. I have a bell sound that reminds me of being a kid and going to the genral
store and they having a wall of candy for 1 cent lol yep a penny all kinds of candy but every
time someone came in the store that bell would ring. The bell also comes back into my life in
2007 when I started djing vynal records (yep back to vynal again) and the record shop had that
bell on there door I spent hours in both places trying to decide what I was going to get LOL
so I heard that bell a lot. And there is another sound it would only be picked up by someone
who has heard the sound of digging it represents the work threwout my lifetime all thow not all
work was like digging there was still work threwout.

Song was started 4-20-17.

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    Dance, Hip Hop, Trap, Rap
    • Type: Original
    • Release Date: 04/20/2017 04:20
    • 154 bpm
    • Key: DM
    • © All rights reserved
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