
Diffuse Reality Podcast 014: Adhémar.


  1. Khao Yai national park, Central Thailand - Earth Experience
  2. Andrew Pekler - Synthetic Nocturnal Atmosphere
  3. Thomas Tilly - Leptodactylus Guianensis (excerpt)
  4. Mapstation and Paul Wirkus - Between the Beeches
  5. Joel Chadabe - Echoes
  6. Alva noto - Xerrox Tek Part 1
  7. Ryoji Ikeda - Data.Minimax
  8. Cio D'or - Climate III
  9. Romi - Jhihben
  10. Heavenchord - Field Recordings #5
  11. Night Sea - Cherry
  12. Alume - Kotoka
  13. Adhémar - Images Of Speed
  14. Vâyu - Apana
  15. Simone Bauer - Ambra
  16. Doctrina Natura - Rite Of Passage
  17. Adhémar - The Name Of Birds
  18. Refracted - Exit The Jungle

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