Audio Affair 037 is now online for Stream/download, and features some of the best tracks that have played through our speakers in the past two weeks.
The track list is below, and if you like the music, make sure to support the artist.

Thomas K - A.I 8000 (A Space Odyssey Mix)
Olive Kucera - Groen - Diarmaid O Meara Remix
Psky - Devastation
Anti Gasmask Techno Militia - 13.3
Grieche & Christian Glitch - Pi - V2 Bonus
Roman Reyn - Y - Old Guy Remix
Noizy Knobs - Thorny
Dave Tarrida - Hidden Code - Patrick Bolton Remix
Mike Absolom - Psychological Sphere
14 Anger - Song of Kali
Tawa Girl - Paradise
RRKS - Slow Burn - The Night After Mix
Neurodriver - Pylon

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