Chris Sounders

Hannover, Deutschland

Chris Sounders, an incarnated beat generator of today started DJing in 1997 and producing in 2000. Over the years, his style evolved from a wide variety of electronic music elements into his present unique sound. This development was accompanied by bookings for various clubs and big events in Lower Saxony.

The next step on his path was his own home studio where he employs a lot of soft- and hardware components to always get the best performance out of the equipment and to offer first-hand reports on these instruments where required. Having established musical contacts and performed gigs far beyond the borders of Lower Saxony, this popularity will lead to further projects using his musical imagination.

When producing his own tracks he is inspired by his DJ and live sets again and again, always sticking to his powerful, minimal and hips-stimulating style. Through this skilful combination, Chris gives that special something to his driving and punchy sounds and sets which thus guarantee a gripping composition.

After a few very successful years between 2007 and 2012, he took it easy for a while as the organiser of the Fly2Mars/ 4!Seasons events in the SoapClub Hannover and other places, as the organiser of the Filterclub events and as the owner of the LIMIT Music Club in Hameln to be able to intensely focus on his productions again.

Since 2013 he' s the owner and chief executive officer of one of the important electronic adress in Lower Saxony, the Weidendamm Club in Hanover and his new agency “Fables and Fairytales” too. He aims at producing his next Maxi EP and Remixes that are planned to be released on the market within this year.

To be continued...

Abstract of Biografie (press cutting) in German:

Chris Sounders, als Taktgeber von heute ist er als DJ, Produzent, Clubbetreiber, Veranstalter und Visionär mittlerweile eine feste Größe im Raum Hannover & weit darüber hinaus. Man kennt ihn durch seine ekstatischen, treibenden House-/ Technosets voller Höhen und Tiefen, die einem den Schweiß garantiert nicht nur auf die Stirn treiben! Beim Produzieren eigener Tracks lässt er sich durch seine DJ und Live Sets immer wieder neu inspirieren.

Mit Projekten wie seinen Agenturen „4!Seasons“, „Fables and Fairytales“, „Unerhörtes Treiben“ und der Residency in seiner Homebase Weidendamm Hannover, sowie auch im Headquarter dieser weit bekannten musikalischen Adressen vertreten, hat er sich einen großen Stellenwert auf dem Musikmarkt erarbeitet. Released und Remixed auf Celeste Records, Grossstadtvögel, Eisenwaren Records, CCanister Records uvm. weitere Produktionen folgen, ihr dürft gespannt sein…

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Chris Sounders, an incarnated beat generator of today started DJing in 1997 and producing in 2000. Over the years, his style evolved from a wide variety of electronic music elements into his present unique sound. This development was accompanied by bookings for various clubs and big events in Lower Saxony.

The next step on his path was his own home studio where he employs a lot of soft- and hardware components to always get the best performance out of the equipment and to offer first-hand reports on these instruments where required. Having established musical contacts and performed gigs far beyond the borders of Lower Saxony, this popularity will lead to further projects using his musical imagination.

When producing his own tracks he is inspired by his DJ and live sets again and again, always sticking to his powerful, minimal and hips-stimulating style. Through this skilful combination, Chris gives that special something to his driving and punchy sounds and sets which thus guarantee a gripping composition.

After a few very successful years between 2007 and 2012, he took it easy for a while as the organiser of the Fly2Mars/ 4!Seasons events in the SoapClub Hannover and other places, as the organiser of the Filterclub events and as the owner of the LIMIT Music Club in Hameln to be able to intensely focus on his productions again.

Since 2013 he' s the owner and chief executive officer of one of the important electronic adress in Lower Saxony, the Weidendamm Club in Hanover and his new agency “Fables and Fairytales” too. He aims at producing his next Maxi EP and Remixes that are planned to be released on the market within this year.

To be continued...

Abstract of Biografie (press cutting) in German:

Chris Sounders, als Taktgeber von heute ist er als DJ, Produzent, Clubbetreiber, Veranstalter und Visionär mittlerweile eine feste Größe im Raum Hannover & weit darüber hinaus. Man kennt ihn durch seine ekstatischen, treibenden House-/ Technosets voller Höhen und Tiefen, die einem den Schweiß garantiert nicht nur auf die Stirn treiben! Beim Produzieren eigener Tracks lässt er sich durch seine DJ und Live Sets immer wieder neu inspirieren.

Mit Projekten wie seinen Agenturen „4!Seasons“, „Fables and Fairytales“, „Unerhörtes Treiben“ und der Residency in seiner Homebase Weidendamm Hannover, sowie auch im Headquarter dieser weit bekannten musikalischen Adressen vertreten, hat er sich einen großen Stellenwert auf dem Musikmarkt erarbeitet. Released und Remixed auf Celeste Records, Grossstadtvögel, Eisenwaren Records, CCanister Records uvm. weitere Produktionen folgen, ihr dürft gespannt sein…

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