This track is a new version / remix of an earlier track I made:
It seems to fit the brief of this weeks Disquiet Junto - to create soothing music for babies. I made the original track for my son in the first year of his life, he had a really hard start, various problems and some serious infections which left his parents emotions scattered. When I made the original it was a moment of calm both for me, I used to play it for him a lot and he seemed to like it. Now that awful period is but a memory and it seemed fitting to look afresh at these sounds and remix them. There are a lot of new sounds in this piece, so it feels like an extension of the original.

Disquiet Junto Project 0250: Soothing Sounds for Junto
Make some peaceful music for an infant child.

This project marks the 250th weekly occurrence of the Disquiet Junto series, and it is done as well to congratulate the Junto participants Antenna Research (aka Karin L. Kross and Bruce Levenstein) on the birth of their son.

Project Steps:

Step 1: Back in the early 1960s, Raymond Scott released a set of music for infants, titled Soothing Sounds for Baby. We’re going to produce music along those lines today. Feel free to revisit Scott’s great collection.

Step 2: Compose a piece of music intended for a newborn child, something peaceful as they first experience the world outside the womb.

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