Ath Leete

Ath Leete is a 23 years old producer of Electronic music.
His sound is born through experimenting with virtual synths, effects and samples. It is related to real life stories and events.

"My music doesn't fit in a box of a certain style."
"Schemes and formulas are not my cup of tea."
-Becoming a prisoner of your own style sets a creativity limit.
And Ath Leete does not like limits.

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Ath Leete is a 23 years old producer of Electronic music.
His sound is born through experimenting with virtual synths, effects and samples. It is related to real life stories and events.

"My music doesn't fit in a box of a certain style."
"Schemes and formulas are not my cup of tea."
-Becoming a prisoner of your own style sets a creativity limit.
And Ath Leete does not like limits.

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Member since: 8 years




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