A Guy Called M

Hannover, Deutschland

what the future brings with it.

It's a great feeling to stand behind the decks and just make sound and tell you something with this sound.
It makes me infinitely fun and lets me forget everything that happened outside. The everyday life behind you, the pain, the worries and all that belongs to it ...
It is simply liberating and acts like medicine ..!

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what the future brings with it.

It's a great feeling to stand behind the decks and just make sound and tell you something with this sound.
It makes me infinitely fun and lets me forget everything that happened outside. The everyday life behind you, the pain, the worries and all that belongs to it ...
It is simply liberating and acts like medicine ..!

Member since: 9 years

Facebook soundcloud...ens/tracks m.mixcloud...ark-stiens ustream.tv.../109287391


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