powers of hang

by all n4tural

powers of hang

2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13

We are playing a file recorded by @ECUT, of his Aeolian Hang (no longer available, it seems, but you could ask him nicely for it). Thanks again, again, again for hours of fun!

There are 2^2 players.
Each player picks, every once in a while, a duration from the list 2^(-3..0)
([1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1] seconds, or if you prefer, [8,4,2,1] Hz).

~players.do{|p| ~durs.(p, [2**(-3..0).choose])}

Each player selects, every once in a while, a sequence of positions -- fractions with denominator 2^9, i.e. 512 -- within the file to play, where 0/512 is the beginning, 256/512 the middle, and 512/512 the end of the file.
The length of the sequence is selected from the list 2^(0..8)
([ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 ]).

~players.do{|p| ~frac.(2**(0..8).choose, p)}

The pleasant background shuffle seems constant, but is really the juxtaposition of several players playing positions that happen to be more or less silent (there are many such positions within the original file).

There are on the order of 2^13 semirandom cuts in this track.


2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13

pic: still from flickr.com/photos/13119988@N00...@N00/3553874693

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powers of hang

2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13

We are playing a file recorded by @ECUT, of his Aeolian Hang (no longer available, it seems, but you could ask him nicely for it). Thanks again, again, again for hours of fun!

There are 2^2 players.
Each player picks, every once in a while, a duration from the list 2^(-3..0)
([1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1] seconds, or if you prefer, [8,4,2,1] Hz).

~players.do{|p| ~durs.(p, [2**(-3..0).choose])}

Each player selects, every once in a while, a sequence of positions -- fractions with denominator 2^9, i.e. 512 -- within the file to play, where 0/512 is the beginning, 256/512 the middle, and 512/512 the end of the file.
The length of the sequence is selected from the list 2^(0..8)
([ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 ]).

~players.do{|p| ~frac.(2**(0..8).choose, p)}

The pleasant background shuffle seems constant, but is really the juxtaposition of several players playing positions that happen to be more or less silent (there are many such positions within the original file).

There are on the order of 2^13 semirandom cuts in this track.


2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13
2^2 | 2^(-3..0) | 2^(0..8) | 2^13

pic: still from flickr.com/photos/13119988@N00...@N00/3553874693