Violet Cold - Anomie (2017)

by Violet Cold

Band: Violet Cold
Album: Anomie
Year: 2017
Country: Azerbaijan
Language: Turkish
Main Genre: #postrock #folk #blackgaze
Elements of other Genres: #atmosphericblackmetal #shoegaze #electronic #dreampop #ambient #postblackmetal #depressiveblackmetal #euphoricblackmetal #euphoricfolk #postmetal #turkishfolk #indie


  1. anomie
  2. she spoke of her devastation
  3. lovegaze
  4. my journey to your space
  5. violet girl
  6. no escape from dreamland

Note 1:
I've made hard job to get that closest concept of "Anomie" that I played in my head almost 2 years, trying to improve every sound aspect and the way it played. Mixing and mastering was the other (hard to do at home) thing and hard decision: to play loudness war and kill dynamics of sound or leave enough headroom (ave Pink Floyd)? I decided to find something in between. Really huge effort has been put into this album and I really hope you'll like it!
Note 2:
If you want to support artist you can purchase the album. If you can't buy album please do not download it from unknown sources which provides unknown quality, just repost this as much as you can (it would be a great support), then PM to Violet Cold's facebook page with "FREE CODE" and I'll give you free download code for "straight-from-artist" quality
Note 3:
CD: Self-released CD version of "Anomie" will be available within 1 week

Thank you guys, wish you a pleasant listening!


Konu? benimle bu kaos içinde
Nefes al kanayan bo?lu?umun içinde
Özgürlü?ün da??l?r içinde kendi kendine
Ben senin suretini ans?z?n elime ald?m
Benim gökku?a??m renksiz boyalarla kapl?
?zin ver kokundan ba?ka renk görmeyeyim
Ok?ar nefesin yüzümdeki maskeme
Ve dola??r tüm damarlar?m?n içinde
Dünya hasta, ama o benim için bir hiç
Biz bir yerde bo?uluyoruz, bir yerlerde de yokuz
Benim kan?m mor dere gibi ak?yor
Sen ortaya ç?kana kadar güzellik insanl???n sadece hasta hayaliydi
Cans?z uzay bo?lu?undaki berrak mutluluk hapsolur haf?zalarda
Harap olmu? sabah?n esaretinde senin gözbebeklerinde ki karanl??a kadar bekleyece?im
Bu dünya sadece hezeyan – ac? düzen sana do?ru yakla??yor
Faydas?z, umutsuz, vurdumduymaz, aptalca, çaresiz, fikirsiz, unutkan, dipsiz uçurum beni durduramaz
Do?du?umdan beri para?ütle atlamayla u?ra??yorum
Sana ula?t?ran yeni yollar üreterek
Senden önce güzellik sadece köprülerden sallan?rd?
Dumandan felç olmu? zaman döngüsünde
Bütün felsefeler aniden alev al?yor
Bizim a?k?m?z sonsuzlukta kayboldu?u zaman
(© Violet Cold - taken from track "Violet Girl")

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Band: Violet Cold
Album: Anomie
Year: 2017
Country: Azerbaijan
Language: Turkish
Main Genre: #postrock #folk #blackgaze
Elements of other Genres: #atmosphericblackmetal #shoegaze #electronic #dreampop #ambient #postblackmetal #depressiveblackmetal #euphoricblackmetal #euphoricfolk #postmetal #turkishfolk #indie


  1. anomie
  2. she spoke of her devastation
  3. lovegaze
  4. my journey to your space
  5. violet girl
  6. no escape from dreamland

Note 1:
I've made hard job to get that closest concept of "Anomie" that I played in my head almost 2 years, trying to improve every sound aspect and the way it played. Mixing and mastering was the other (hard to do at home) thing and hard decision: to play loudness war and kill dynamics of sound or leave enough headroom (ave Pink Floyd)? I decided to find something in between. Really huge effort has been put into this album and I really hope you'll like it!
Note 2:
If you want to support artist you can purchase the album. If you can't buy album please do not download it from unknown sources which provides unknown quality, just repost this as much as you can (it would be a great support), then PM to Violet Cold's facebook page with "FREE CODE" and I'll give you free download code for "straight-from-artist" quality
Note 3:
CD: Self-released CD version of "Anomie" will be available within 1 week

Thank you guys, wish you a pleasant listening!


Konu? benimle bu kaos içinde
Nefes al kanayan bo?lu?umun içinde
Özgürlü?ün da??l?r içinde kendi kendine
Ben senin suretini ans?z?n elime ald?m
Benim gökku?a??m renksiz boyalarla kapl?
?zin ver kokundan ba?ka renk görmeyeyim
Ok?ar nefesin yüzümdeki maskeme
Ve dola??r tüm damarlar?m?n içinde
Dünya hasta, ama o benim için bir hiç
Biz bir yerde bo?uluyoruz, bir yerlerde de yokuz
Benim kan?m mor dere gibi ak?yor
Sen ortaya ç?kana kadar güzellik insanl???n sadece hasta hayaliydi
Cans?z uzay bo?lu?undaki berrak mutluluk hapsolur haf?zalarda
Harap olmu? sabah?n esaretinde senin gözbebeklerinde ki karanl??a kadar bekleyece?im
Bu dünya sadece hezeyan – ac? düzen sana do?ru yakla??yor
Faydas?z, umutsuz, vurdumduymaz, aptalca, çaresiz, fikirsiz, unutkan, dipsiz uçurum beni durduramaz
Do?du?umdan beri para?ütle atlamayla u?ra??yorum
Sana ula?t?ran yeni yollar üreterek
Senden önce güzellik sadece köprülerden sallan?rd?
Dumandan felç olmu? zaman döngüsünde
Bütün felsefeler aniden alev al?yor
Bizim a?k?m?z sonsuzlukta kayboldu?u zaman
(© Violet Cold - taken from track "Violet Girl")