Tidy Weekender Uk44 records Tracks played by M-Zone while B2B with Mark EG

by Uk44 records

Uk 44 Records label productions and remixes as played at Tidy weekender 2016. Hope you will like and support the label we are just one of a very few hard dance labels est 1992.. Trom the early days of vinyl we struggled through the transition to digital and where many labels were lost in the battle we are still here like warriors we will keep bringing our fight to the dancefloor...
As I remember the playlist I will add the others..

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Uk 44 Records label productions and remixes as played at Tidy weekender 2016. Hope you will like and support the label we are just one of a very few hard dance labels est 1992.. Trom the early days of vinyl we struggled through the transition to digital and where many labels were lost in the battle we are still here like warriors we will keep bringing our fight to the dancefloor...
As I remember the playlist I will add the others..