Subsist Podcast 01 by FU-5

Andrés Fusaro, aka FU-5, Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from the underground circuit. In his dj set as in his live PA his sound search is based on the groove and a conceptual part of techno, where the use of sounds coming from analog synthesizers, drum machines, softwares and hardwars. A concept oriented to sci-fi and techno more intense and danceable, to transmit and travel different moods through music.

For this first delivery FU-5 delights us with a mix in which all the tracks are of his authorship, of which some will be present in the second album that the artist Bonaerense will publish the Subsist this year 2019.



Andrés Fusaro, aka FU-5 , Nacido en Buenos Aires, Argentina, procedente del circuito underground.Su búsqueda sonora se basa en el groove y una parte conceptual del techno, donde se percibe la utilización de sonidos provenientes de sintetizadores analógicos, cajas de ritmos, softwares y hardwares, en un viaje cargado de energía e hipnotismo. Un concepto orientado al sci-fi y al techno mas intenso y bailable, para transmitir y recorrer diferentes estados de animo a través de la música.

Para esta primera entrega FU-5 nos deleita con un mix en el cual todos los tracks son de su autoría, de los cuales algunos estarán presentes en el segundo álbum que el artista Bonaerense publicara el Subsist este año 2019.

info: Subsist Podcast 01 by FU-5

artwork by Belsinki

Sound Expression Against World Pressure
/ Subsist Records

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    fu-5, subsist records, subsist podcast, techno mix, dark techno mix
    • Release Date: 02/26/2019 18:54
    • 133 bpm
    • Key: Gm
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