Skydome Designs

by skyd0medesigns

Skydome Designs is an international design firm with nearly three decades of experience, designing and completing hospital, retail and various other projects. We believe in creating a truly global practice firmly rooted in the communities we serve while drawing on international expertise and design talent. Our motto is to provide a worldwide reach for our diverse clients. Our expertise stems from the belief that in an increasingly globalised marketplace, architecture should benefit from a contextualised response that acknowledges the cultural and environmental specificity of its region.

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Skydome Designs is an international design firm with nearly three decades of experience, designing and completing hospital, retail and various other projects. We believe in creating a truly global practice firmly rooted in the communities we serve while drawing on international expertise and design talent. Our motto is to provide a worldwide reach for our diverse clients. Our expertise stems from the belief that in an increasingly globalised marketplace, architecture should benefit from a contextualised response that acknowledges the cultural and environmental specificity of its region.