Sirhc Neila

Sirhc Neila is:
C. Mandel - Trumpet, Effects, Programming, Engineering
N. Spare - Synthesizers, Sound Design, Programming, Engineering

Sirhc Neila was born as an open journey into sound and the spaces in between coupled with explorations into the nature of processes involved in embarking on such ventures.
The initial explorations were conducted on June 8th and June 25th 2014 respectively.
These initial explorations are offered here, unedited and as they occurred in real time, as Evolution 1 and Evolution 2.

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Sirhc Neila is:
C. Mandel - Trumpet, Effects, Programming, Engineering
N. Spare - Synthesizers, Sound Design, Programming, Engineering

Sirhc Neila was born as an open journey into sound and the spaces in between coupled with explorations into the nature of processes involved in embarking on such ventures.
The initial explorations were conducted on June 8th and June 25th 2014 respectively.
These initial explorations are offered here, unedited and as they occurred in real time, as Evolution 1 and Evolution 2.

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