NIPT Oxford

by retyuewa

3D, 4D and 5D Pregnancy Scans,
Our Pregnancy ultrasound scans and tests are suitable for all stages of pregnancy, from the first Early Scan, NT and NIPT scans in your first trimester to anomaly scan, reassurance, growth, wellbeing and 3D/4D /5D scans through second and third trimester. It’s easy to choose your ultrasound scan package from our list and book it online. Our friendly team of expert sonographers and midwives at our private Surrey clinic can advise you on which scan is suitable for your stage and answer any queries you may have about what to expect.

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3D, 4D and 5D Pregnancy Scans,
Our Pregnancy ultrasound scans and tests are suitable for all stages of pregnancy, from the first Early Scan, NT and NIPT scans in your first trimester to anomaly scan, reassurance, growth, wellbeing and 3D/4D /5D scans through second and third trimester. It’s easy to choose your ultrasound scan package from our list and book it online. Our friendly team of expert sonographers and midwives at our private Surrey clinic can advise you on which scan is suitable for your stage and answer any queries you may have about what to expect.

NIPT Oxford Baby scan