B.B. King - Blues Before Sunrise
Bart Bryant - I Can't Quit You Baby
Bison Hip - Blues For The Unforgiven
Eliza Neals - Banned In Jackson
Gerald McClendon - House Ain't A Home
Robert Jon & The Wreck - Trouble
Slash (ft Demi Lovato) - Papa Was A Rolling Stone
Robert Cray - If You're Thinkin' What I'm Thinkin'
Larry McCray - Roadhouse Blues
Larry McCray - No More
Alastair Greene - The Last To Cry
Andy Lindquist - The Road To Whiskey
Matt Edwards - Never Get To Sleep
The Name Droppers - Sweet Little Angel
Wildcat O'Halloran Band - Ask Me Nothing But The Blues
Brave Rival - Fairytale
Mungo Jerry - The Wind Is Blowing
MojoThunder - Holy Ghost
Reverend Freakchild - Amsterdam Blues
JP Soars - Things Ain't Workin' Out
Kaspar Berry Rapkin - It Is What It Is
Rolling Stones - Little Rain

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