OBT Demos


These are mainly low quality demo recordings by Original Blood Ties (OBT) from 1993, 1996 and 2007. Original Blood Ties were John Nichols (Lyrics and Vocals) and Stephen Hayes (Guitars, Keys, Programming and Arrangments).

Gods of music review from 2001

ARTIST: Original Blood Ties
SONG: Original Blood Ties (Or any other)
GENRE: Pop / New Wave, Dreampop
SIMILAR: Artists of the late 80's

First impression: This duo is limited by their equipment. The chord changes/structure are good, but the recording quality is low-grade basement quality. And that drum machine... well, I'm sure these guys know.

That said, let's get to the crux of the matter - the song itself.

As stated, the changes, chords and guitar work is good. The vocals, while not particularly memorable, are at least capably done. The song does suffer from a few minor shortcomings, though.

The vocal line is pretty boring and uninspired. The changes are good, and there's so much more the singer could be doing... but isn't. Perhaps make some melodic statements, put some cool background vocals in there occasionally to shake it up - but as it stands, the verses suffer from the all-too common "repeated line over and over" syndrome.

And while I already mentioned the crappy sound of the drum machine, I should really point out the quite unremarkable programming of it as well. That assumes that it's programmable. If it's not: snag an SR16 on eBay or something, guys - it's well worth the investment.

This track could be a lot more with some reworking, better gear (beg/borrow/steal) and some more attention to detail. It's definitely worth the effort, though - I know a diamond in the rough when I see one!

Charisma: 3.50
Technical Skill: 4.50
Structure: 7.00
Interest: 5.00
Lyrics: n/a
Performance: 4.50
Arrangement: 7.00
Recording Quality: 2.50
Long Term Appeal: 5.00

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These are mainly low quality demo recordings by Original Blood Ties (OBT) from 1993, 1996 and 2007. Original Blood Ties were John Nichols (Lyrics and Vocals) and Stephen Hayes (Guitars, Keys, Programming and Arrangments).

Gods of music review from 2001

ARTIST: Original Blood Ties
SONG: Original Blood Ties (Or any other)
GENRE: Pop / New Wave, Dreampop
SIMILAR: Artists of the late 80's

First impression: This duo is limited by their equipment. The chord changes/structure are good, but the recording quality is low-grade basement quality. And that drum machine... well, I'm sure these guys know.

That said, let's get to the crux of the matter - the song itself.

As stated, the changes, chords and guitar work is good. The vocals, while not particularly memorable, are at least capably done. The song does suffer from a few minor shortcomings, though.

The vocal line is pretty boring and uninspired. The changes are good, and there's so much more the singer could be doing... but isn't. Perhaps make some melodic statements, put some cool background vocals in there occasionally to shake it up - but as it stands, the verses suffer from the all-too common "repeated line over and over" syndrome.

And while I already mentioned the crappy sound of the drum machine, I should really point out the quite unremarkable programming of it as well. That assumes that it's programmable. If it's not: snag an SR16 on eBay or something, guys - it's well worth the investment.

This track could be a lot more with some reworking, better gear (beg/borrow/steal) and some more attention to detail. It's definitely worth the effort, though - I know a diamond in the rough when I see one!

Charisma: 3.50
Technical Skill: 4.50
Structure: 7.00
Interest: 5.00
Lyrics: n/a
Performance: 4.50
Arrangement: 7.00
Recording Quality: 2.50
Long Term Appeal: 5.00

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