Hey there, folks! Welcome back to "Door County Days," with me, your host, Mark Stoneman. Today, we're diving into one of my favorite topics: celebrating the 4th of July right here in the heart of Door County. Now, if you've ever spent Independence Day with us, you know it's not just a day; it's a grand celebration of freedom, community, and, of course, those spectacular fireworks.

Let's start with Egg Harbor, shall we? Picture this: a day filled with family-friendly activities, an old-fashioned parade, and as the sun dips low, the sky lights up with an array of colors. It's not just about the fireworks; it's the feeling of togetherness that really makes it special.

Moving on to Baileys Harbor, the vibrant energy here is contagious. With a parade that's as lively as the folks who line the streets, you're in for a treat. And the fireworks? Simply breathtaking. It's a celebration that truly captures the spirit of Door County.

Sturgeon Bay offers a slightly different vibe, mixing traditional festivities with a waterfront backdrop that's hard to beat. The reflection of fireworks over the water is a sight to behold, creating memories that last a lifetime.

Now, Sister Bay has its own flair, with activities that engage every member of the family. From delicious food to games that spark joy and laughter, the day is capped off with a fireworks display that's as warm and welcoming as the community itself.

Lastly, Gills Rock offers a more intimate celebration. It's the perfect spot for those seeking a quieter, yet equally memorable, 4th of July. The fireworks here feel like they're just for you, lighting up the night sky over the tranquil waters.

Friends, Door County on the 4th of July is more than just parades and pyrotechnics. It's a reflection of what makes our community so extraordinary: the warmth of our people, the beauty of our landscapes, and the shared moments that define our collective spirit of independence.

Whether you're a local or a visitor, planning ahead is key. Accommodations fill up fast, and you'll want to secure your spot early to join in the festivities. Remember, it's a popular time in Door County, but that's because it's truly worth experiencing.

So, pack your bags, bring your joy, and join us for an Independence Day celebration that you'll remember for years to come. Trust me, there's no better place to be on the 4th of July than right here, in Door County.

Thanks for tuning in to "Door County Days." I'm Mark Stoneman, and I can't wait to celebrate with you all. Until next time, keep spreading that Door County love.

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