Hanlon Law

by Hanlon Law

People accused of crimes often worry that they will inevitably be convicted, but there are numerous steps between a charge and a guilty verdict, and many defendants can avoid convictions. Determining what defenses are available and the best manner to proceed in criminal matters can be complicated, though, and it is prudent for people charged with crimes to retain an experienced attorney. If you are the subject of a criminal investigation or were charged with a crime, the assertive Tampa criminal defense lawyers of Hanlon Law can assist you in developing a strategy designed to help you seek a favorable result. We frequently defend people charged with drug offenses, sex crimes, violent crimes, and theft in Tampa and other cities throughout Florida.

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People accused of crimes often worry that they will inevitably be convicted, but there are numerous steps between a charge and a guilty verdict, and many defendants can avoid convictions. Determining what defenses are available and the best manner to proceed in criminal matters can be complicated, though, and it is prudent for people charged with crimes to retain an experienced attorney. If you are the subject of a criminal investigation or were charged with a crime, the assertive Tampa criminal defense lawyers of Hanlon Law can assist you in developing a strategy designed to help you seek a favorable result. We frequently defend people charged with drug offenses, sex crimes, violent crimes, and theft in Tampa and other cities throughout Florida.

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