Designed Beats

Bloomfield, United States

My name is Tim, and I started DJing back in 1999. I also started teaching at the same time. Full time teaching and DJing are hardly the professions that go hand in hand. However as any DJ knows, music is a passion and I have been learning more and more how to manage my time and still get my studio sessions in. Still keep listening to and buying new tunes. Still making DJ mixes to post online. My setup has changed during my career. Recently, I've ditched the laptop and have gone back to turntables...the digital kind. I use 2 Denon SC6000s. And on occasion I use my MC101 and Volca NuBass to spice things up.
Hope you like what I share. Please feel free to repost and reshare my sets.
Enjoy the tunes and maybe one day I'll see you on my dancefloor.

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My name is Tim, and I started DJing back in 1999. I also started teaching at the same time. Full time teaching and DJing are hardly the professions that go hand in hand. However as any DJ knows, music is a passion and I have been learning more and more how to manage my time and still get my studio sessions in. Still keep listening to and buying new tunes. Still making DJ mixes to post online. My setup has changed during my career. Recently, I've ditched the laptop and have gone back to turntables...the digital kind. I use 2 Denon SC6000s. And on occasion I use my MC101 and Volca NuBass to spice things up.
Hope you like what I share. Please feel free to repost and reshare my sets.
Enjoy the tunes and maybe one day I'll see you on my dancefloor.

Member since: 7 years



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