Fresh from tearing up Rupture's 13th Birthday with last week's guests Jesta & Rumbleton, this week we present to The History of Jungle Show another Toronto bad boy with Gremlinz! Pushing the new sound of Jungle and Drum and Bass Gremlinz has releases on Renegade Hardware, Rupture, Metalheadz, Samurai Music and 31 Recordings, as well as running 4 x labels himself. He will also be joined by fellow Horseman Collective member DJ Ink.

DJ Ink one of the original members of the Horsemen Collective alongside Loxy and Dylan, is the man responsible for Architecture Records and has releases across the years on Renegade Hardware, Cylon Records, Architecture to name a few.

Unreleased dubs throughout, get on this!

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    • 85.5 bpm
    • Key: Gbm
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