Creating new technologies through continuous technical education, training, and research
In order to allow many countries and hospitals to benefit from highly technical skills-based services, YOUNGMEDI is conducting continuous research based on relevant technical training and expert education.
We aim to master the maintenance know-hows and technical skills accumulated by the CT development specialized company through the education and training programs of YOUNGMEDI, and especially to contribute to the expansion of the CT maintenance field through the transfer of CT tube regeneration technology.
"Pursuit of valuable technology." YOUNGMEDI dreams of a healthy world for all mankind.
CT Philips

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Creating new technologies through continuous technical education, training, and research
In order to allow many countries and hospitals to benefit from highly technical skills-based services, YOUNGMEDI is conducting continuous research based on relevant technical training and expert education.
We aim to master the maintenance know-hows and technical skills accumulated by the CT development specialized company through the education and training programs of YOUNGMEDI, and especially to contribute to the expansion of the CT maintenance field through the transfer of CT tube regeneration technology.
"Pursuit of valuable technology." YOUNGMEDI dreams of a healthy world for all mankind.
CT Philips