It's that time of the year when Latvian Tradition coincides with Quebec Tradition. The Summer Solstice.

All of the bands in this episode are Latvian or from Montreal.

Even though there are no Ukrainian artists in this episode, please take a moment to donate to your preferred Ukrainian Charity and/or to United 24, an initiative from the President of Ukraine (

Слава Україні! 🇺🇦 Героям слава!
Slava Ukrainai! 🇱🇻 Slava varoņiem!
Glory to Ukraine! 🇨🇦 Glory to the Heroes!

This is who DJ Moose is playing:

Intro - 00:00

Micro with DJ Moose - 00:30

Ansamblis Manta - Eva Eva - Karaliene Anna - 00:30
Kop​ē​jā Izteiksme - Dzeltu Laiks - Soļiem Pazūd Skaņa - 05:02
Janis Irbe - Dekorācija (feat. Jānis Dubavs) - De Ja Vu - 08:17
Depo - Katra skaņa kā izbļauts vārds - TORNIS: 20 gadi, 20 dziesmas  - 12:04
DZELZS VILKS - Ziņģe Par Bailēm - 13:55
Plenērs - Bēgums - 16:59
Bēdu Brāļi - Es nezinu, ko es daru - DUENDE - 20:05
T.U.M.S.A. - Sērkociņš vējā - Nepabeigtais Skaņdarbs - 24:59
Martas Asinis - OK.Super! - Sestais albums - 28:37
Hipstokrātija - Zemas izšķirtspējas sapņi - Zemas Izšķirtspējas Sapņi - 32:04
Svešie - Gaidot tavu ēnu - Ēnas Un Ceļš - 36:39
Tvans - Starp Starp - Starp Starp - Single - 40:26
Vermillion Gaze - 80s Chrome - White Magic - 43:46
STandART - Swans (7Synths Remix) - 22 - 47:11
Sun Devoured Earth - A Let Down - A Static Life - 50:49

Micro with DJ Moose - 55:05

SU - La fête des spores - Amanita ocreata (EP) - 1:00:53
AN_NA - Chemical - Chemical (Single) - 1:05:38
No - Give Me a Sign - Give Me a Sign (Single) - 1:10:59
Sexsomnia - Catharsis - Transcendent - 1:14:19
La Mécanique - Déjà Vu - 1:18:43
Belly Hatcher - Fuck up - Armed Care - 1:22:47
Into The Pale Abyss - Horrors - Murderwave (EP) - 1:26:29
Police Des Moeurs - COMMENCEMENT - COMMENCEMENT - 1:30:22
The City Gates - Tending a Dead Woman's Garden - Age of Resilience - 1:34:38
Mickey Dagger - Shattered Faith - Blades And Shades - 1:39:43
Laura Krieg - Bureaupathologie - Vie magique - 1:42:35
Monde Cruel - Shadow Forms - Le Baiser de la Mort - 1:47:11
Bernatchez - The Darkest Hour - Dark Fiction - 1:50:58
Oiseau de Proie - L'enfer (Single) - 1:54:48
Perestroika - Midnight Twighlight - 1:58:41

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