Galactic Astronomical Sounds

G.A.S   ))   Johannesburg, South Africa

DerikanoMan is a down to earth and highly music enthusiastic person who was born and raised in a music loving town called Botshabelo, Free State. I now reside in Johannesburg and still love to experiment with music and various genres for music art projects.

G.A.S (Galactic Astronomical Sounds) is a platform where various DJ's can come together and display their DJ'ing skills for one and all to enjoy, regardless of wherever they may come from.

The motto is quite simple:

Forever let music be a "nonsense" to "sense" converter!

Do listen, support, download, share, and most impotanly, love each other through the music provided on the platform ;).

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DerikanoMan is a down to earth and highly music enthusiastic person who was born and raised in a music loving town called Botshabelo, Free State. I now reside in Johannesburg and still love to experiment with music and various genres for music art projects.

G.A.S (Galactic Astronomical Sounds) is a platform where various DJ's can come together and display their DJ'ing skills for one and all to enjoy, regardless of wherever they may come from.

The motto is quite simple:

Forever let music be a "nonsense" to "sense" converter!

Do listen, support, download, share, and most impotanly, love each other through the music provided on the platform ;).

Member since: 5 years

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