The Blood-Spangled Banner EP (2014)

by Blendrix

A little over a year ago, I had an epiphany in regards to my music. I realized that in order for my music to really mean something, both to my listeners and to myself, I needed to express more than just raw emotion. I needed to convey the essence of my ideas about life, love, science, philosophy, sociology, and the forces that tie all of these subjects together. It was no longer enough to simply transcribe my emotions into my music - I had to explain them in a way that would allow any listener to understand and appreciate all of the facets therein.

This EP is the most heartfelt, thought-provoking, and controversial release I've ever made. It's themed around the darker side of what it means to be a citizen of The United States of America. I definitely don't have it in me to be this dark and introspective with every release, so if this is your first exposure to my original work, please don't be turned off by its brooding tone (I promise, there are far more uplifting releases soon to come). But please do understand that it comes from a very genuine place in me as an artist, as a concerned citizen, as a close friend to many veterans of the US military, and as a hopeful spirit searching for a path that leads to a brighter future for us all.

This EP is dedicated to my friends who have served our country bravely in its armed forces, to the families and friends of the soldiers and civilians whose lives were lost in military conflicts, and to the intrepid souls providing humanitarian aid to war-stricken populations all over the world.

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A little over a year ago, I had an epiphany in regards to my music. I realized that in order for my music to really mean something, both to my listeners and to myself, I needed to express more than just raw emotion. I needed to convey the essence of my ideas about life, love, science, philosophy, sociology, and the forces that tie all of these subjects together. It was no longer enough to simply transcribe my emotions into my music - I had to explain them in a way that would allow any listener to understand and appreciate all of the facets therein.

This EP is the most heartfelt, thought-provoking, and controversial release I've ever made. It's themed around the darker side of what it means to be a citizen of The United States of America. I definitely don't have it in me to be this dark and introspective with every release, so if this is your first exposure to my original work, please don't be turned off by its brooding tone (I promise, there are far more uplifting releases soon to come). But please do understand that it comes from a very genuine place in me as an artist, as a concerned citizen, as a close friend to many veterans of the US military, and as a hopeful spirit searching for a path that leads to a brighter future for us all.

This EP is dedicated to my friends who have served our country bravely in its armed forces, to the families and friends of the soldiers and civilians whose lives were lost in military conflicts, and to the intrepid souls providing humanitarian aid to war-stricken populations all over the world.