Lift Off After party - Body as object

by Betty Lightbulb

I'm a bipedal humanoid with opposable thumbs. I was a contributor to Messed Up on, New Zealand's longest running mashup show and made some rad mash-ups.
I make explicit performance art and am a movement practitioner. Eighty-eight words per minute. Foul-mouthed cyclist. Queer. She/Her #TheLadyGarden #bigqueerantiwedding

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I'm a bipedal humanoid with opposable thumbs. I was a contributor to Messed Up on, New Zealand's longest running mashup show and made some rad mash-ups.
I make explicit performance art and am a movement practitioner. Eighty-eight words per minute. Foul-mouthed cyclist. Queer. She/Her #TheLadyGarden #bigqueerantiwedding

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