Cardigan, UK

I'm The Rock 'n' Roll Preacher, I'm a DJ/Presenter on voodooradio.online - cmrsradioone.com - & - outlawrenegaderadio.com

I present two radio shows: "Sonic Sermons From The Preacher's Pulpit" (3 hours) - which focusses on AOR/Melodic Rock, Prog Rock, Prog Metal, and Funk Rock. I also present "Preacher's Southern Boogie Hot Sauce" - a 2 hour hour show exclusive to cmrsradioone.com - which focusses on Southern Rock, Southern Boogie, New Country, & Rebel Country.

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I'm The Rock 'n' Roll Preacher, I'm a DJ/Presenter on voodooradio.online - cmrsradioone.com - & - outlawrenegaderadio.com

I present two radio shows: "Sonic Sermons From The Preacher's Pulpit" (3 hours) - which focusses on AOR/Melodic Rock, Prog Rock, Prog Metal, and Funk Rock. I also present "Preacher's Southern Boogie Hot Sauce" - a 2 hour hour show exclusive to cmrsradioone.com - which focusses on Southern Rock, Southern Boogie, New Country, & Rebel Country.

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Member since: 2 weeks

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