Give With Nothing In Return 8:38 827 0
Spiritual Warfare 9:12 630 0
Focus on the Word of God 8:33 544 0
Go out and help gather the harvest! 10:08 543 0
What is Eternal Life? How do we get there? 9:00 565 0
Relationships & Forgiveness 6:27 559 0
What makes Faith effective? 8:38 520 0
Do not worry! 4:06 538 0
Put Your Trust In God 7:03 528 0
Can We Defeat Evil? 9:12 513 0
Project the Light 7:49 518 0
Power & Authority 11:07 532 0
Keep Your Eyes on Christ 8:39 526 0
Church Opening Message 8:40 533 0
Fear is Not my Guide 7:19 525 0
An Opportunity to Reflect 7:58 564 0
Take Care of Each Other 8:10 499 0
Have no Fear! 8:49 519 0
I seek Mercy and not Sacrifice 2:22 530 0
Mystical Supper 3:42 485 0
Reflection on the Third Bridegroom Service 2:40 514 0
Love is at Heart of the Law 3:44 495 0
By whose authority? 4:56 492 0
What kind of a King are we willing to submit to? 9:49 494 0
Unbind him! 4:16 510 0
Places of Honor 7:52 494 0
Spiritual Discipline 7:32 505 0
We are Reason-Endowed Sheep 5:46 531 0
Message of Hope 4:04 512 0
Forgiveness Prepares us for the Kingdom 8:30 529 0
Do God's Good & Do it for All 6:29 495 0
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! 8:33 608 0
Who Are You Speaking With? 4:31 502 0
Messiah is here! Take advantage! 8:06 504 0
Don't stop Seeking the Lord for He knows our Hearts 7:06 492 0
Desire Mercy and not Sacrifice 7:40 545 0
Spiritual Diplomacy 7:35 532 0
Four Gospels, Same Story 11:05 561 0
The Initiate of the Knowledge of God 5:50 515 0
The Detours of Life 7:53 540 0
Christmas Gifts 5:42 574 0
Perfect Resume? 7:43 567 0
Everyone is invited 5:47 501 0
Celebrate your Liberation! 7:22 544 0
The Blind Shall See 7:16 520 0
From Theory to Practice 7:29 557 0
The Lord Comes First 9:09 518 0
Justice and Mercy, Faith and Love 7:41 482 0
Stewardship Sunday - November 2019 5:55 486 0
Make Time For The Lord 8:03 528 0
Declare How Much God Has Done for You 7:39 586 0
Bear Fruit with Patience 7:12 524 0
Our God is A Compassionate God 5:25 550 0
Beyond the Golden Rule 8:52 582 0
Unity of Faith and Diversity of Traditions 12:52 542 0
Do not be ashamed of Me 8:04 578 0
John 3:16 7:13 514 0
Trust Your Training 7:43 527 0
The Food for Eternity 9:27 553 0
Intercessory Prayer 8:33 540 0
The Righteousness of God 9:09 493 0
Watchful Compassion 9:09 511 0
What is Eternal Life? 8:00 507 0
Sunday of the Paralytic 3:40 530 0
Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women 12:29 493 0
Sunday of St. Thomas 7:47 452 0
Palm Sunday 10:51 497 0
Healing of the Boy with a dumb spirit 9:34 538 0
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas 10:09 519 0
Sunday of Orthodoxy 9:30 515 0
Forgiveness Sunday 8:29 474 0
Judgement Sunday 6:27 518 0
The Prodigal Son(s) 10:18 526 0
The Publican and the Pharisee 9:06 520 0
The Canaanite Woman 9:29 484 0
Parable of the Talents 9:51 468 0
Zacchaeus the Tax Collector 9:47 506 0
Healing of the Ten Lepers 8:00 1.284 0