Mixup Magazine


MIXuP it’s an online magazine that shares with the entire world news about electronic underground music, festivals around the world and they’re lineups, night life and night club party’s, new music tracks and the record labels that are bringing them out on the markets, places around the world that can be visited when your a fan of the electronic music and many more wonderfull things.

Enjoy your stay on this website,enjoy the news and the good quality tracks.

MIXuP the New Beat Magazine.

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MIXuP it’s an online magazine that shares with the entire world news about electronic underground music, festivals around the world and they’re lineups, night life and night club party’s, new music tracks and the record labels that are bringing them out on the markets, places around the world that can be visited when your a fan of the electronic music and many more wonderfull things.

Enjoy your stay on this website,enjoy the news and the good quality tracks.

MIXuP the New Beat Magazine.

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