Matheo Izstvy

KMTS IN YOUR FACE! 23+161   ))   Prdel, Česko

****just one of those annoying, loud and pretty fucked up lowbrow from that awful place where miracles are happening - fuckin water costs more than a beer-:D always makin you sonicly sick with sour smiles - since 1999 and not quitting so far...

kmts-crackheads united-piss

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****just one of those annoying, loud and pretty fucked up lowbrow from that awful place where miracles are happening - fuckin water costs more than a beer-:D always makin you sonicly sick with sour smiles - since 1999 and not quitting so far...

kmts-crackheads united-piss

Member since: 6 years

Facebook mixcloud.c...heo_izstvy