Creative Commons Jazz / Free Music / Sharing is Caring :-)

Owner: todeskurve

THANK YOU for sharing your work! :-) please only share tracks, no clips or excerpts. you should clear your source material (especially if you submit a remix) be sure to have your licence set to some CreativeCommons, or else your track will not get approved. (see for more infos) you can adjust the licence in your track settings - edit track - License (at the bottom). and stop by our main group Creative Commons for more infos :-)

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THANK YOU for sharing your work! :-) please only share tracks, no clips or excerpts. you should clear your source material (especially if you submit a remix) be sure to have your licence set to some CreativeCommons, or else your track will not get approved. (see for more infos) you can adjust the licence in your track settings - edit track - License (at the bottom). and stop by our main group Creative Commons for more infos :-)