
Owner: HappySmurf

If you want to see a rough estimate of your current League mmr and keep track of it, you can simply use our MMR checker. This mmr calculator can be very useful while mastering the game, as it will give you a pretty accurate idea of how well you are expected to play in your current bracket. If you’re secretly regarded as a relatively strong player, the LoL matchmaking system will expect you to crush your opponents with ease. If you’re regarded as an underdog, you’ll suffer less from a defeat and gain great rewards for each victory.
whats my mmr

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If you want to see a rough estimate of your current League mmr and keep track of it, you can simply use our MMR checker. This mmr calculator can be very useful while mastering the game, as it will give you a pretty accurate idea of how well you are expected to play in your current bracket. If you’re secretly regarded as a relatively strong player, the LoL matchmaking system will expect you to crush your opponents with ease. If you’re regarded as an underdog, you’ll suffer less from a defeat and gain great rewards for each victory.
whats my mmr